SPONSOR: Gregory

This bill specifies that a high school athlete, as defined in the bill, may earn compensation from the use of such athlete's likeness or athletic reputation subject to the following: a high school student shall have the right to discuss compensation before signing a letter of intent only when discussing enrollment with an educational institution in this state; and shall have the right to earn such compensation only after signing said letter of intent.

Any discussion regarding compensation from the use of such high school athlete's likeness or athletic reputation is not a violation of any rules intended to protect a high school athlete's eligibility to participate in high school athletics in this state.

Any high school athlete attempting to earn compensation from such athlete's likeness or athletic reputation may use any identifiers of the athlete's high school, as listed in the bill, in such earning efforts.

The bill repeals language relating to high school athlete compensation for use of likeness or athletic reputation when competing against public school students.

Statutes affected:
Introduced (4928H.01): 167.750, 173.280