SPONSOR: Schroer

This bill creates the "Parents' Bill of Rights Act of 2022", which requires school districts that receive any federal or state money to provide specific rights and information relating to minor children to the parents of the child.

Required rights listed include but are not limited to: the right to know what their minor child is being taught in school, the right to visit the school and check in on their minor child during school hours; and the right to have sufficient accountability and transparency regarding school boards.

The bill further prohibits schools from requiring nondisclosure agreements for a parental curricula review, allowing students involvement in extracurricular activities without written authorization, or collecting biometric data (Section 161.841 RSMo).

This bill defines "curriculum implementing critical race theory" and provides examples for such curriculum. The bill prohibits school districts, charter schools, and their personnel from teaching, using, or providing such curriculum or from teaching, affirming, or promoting any of the claims, views, or opinions found in the 1619 Project (Section 170.353).

Statutes affected:
Introduced (4071H.01): 161.841, 170.353