SPONSOR: Simmons

COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "Do Pass" by the Standing Committee on Elections and Elected Officials by a vote of 7 to 2. Voted "Do Pass" by the Standing Committee on Rules- Administrative Oversight by a vote of 10 to 2.

Upon voter approval, this proposed Constitutional amendment will limit service in the General Assembly to 12 years total in any one house of the General Assembly and 20 years total in both houses of the General Assembly. The current exception for service of less than one year for House offices, or less than two years for Senate offices, in the case of service involving the completion of the term to which another individual was elected is maintained.

PROPONENTS: Supporters say that the amendment would help retain an experienced staff and retain members with institutional knowledge within the legislature. It will save money on pension plans as well.

Testifying for the bill were Representative Simmons; Matt Morrow, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce.

OPPONENTS: Those who oppose the bill provided written testimony.

Testifying against the bill were Arnie C. Dienoff; and US Term Limits.

OTHERS: Others testifying on the bill say that their membership favors a change in term limits to 16 years in any proportion between the Chambers.

Testifying on the bill was Missouri Farm Bureau.

Written testimony has been submitted for this bill. The full written testimony can be found under Testimony on the bill page on the House website.