SPONSOR: Railsback

COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "Do Pass" by the Special Committee on Tourism by a vote of 8 to 1.

This bill adds certain cities of the third classification with more than 9,000 but fewer than 10,000 inhabitants and located in more than one county to the list of cities and counties described in the bill to impose, upon voter approval, a transient guest tax of between 2% and 5% per occupied room per night for tourism purposes.

Upon enactment, the bill will apply to the city of Cameron.

This bill is the same as HB 2418 (2020).

PROPONENTS: Supporters say that this bill would allow the voters of the city to institute a revenue stream to help promote the city as a place for people to visit.

Testifying for the bill was Representative Railsback.

OPPONENTS: There was written testimony submitted in opposition to the bill.

Written testimony has been submitted for this bill. The full written testimony can be found under Testimony on the bill page on the House website.

Statutes affected:
Introduced (1307H.01): 67.1360