This bill requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to develop and publish a voluntary nonopioid directive form, which can be used by a patient to deny or refuse administration or prescription of a controlled substance containing an opioid. The form will tell a health care provider that the patient cannot be offered or prescribed a controlled substance containing an opioid.

A patient can file a voluntary nonopioid directive form with a health care provider by signing and dating the form in the presence of the provider or a designee. A patient can revoke the form for any reason.

A provider who acts in good faith to comply with the nonopioid directive form and does not offer or administer a prescription for a controlled substance is not subject to criminal or civil liability and cannot be considered to have engaged in unprofessional conduct. However, a professional licensing board may take action against a health care provider who recklessly or negligently fails to comply with a patient's directive form.

This bill is the same as HB 639 (2019) and HB 1927 (2018).

Statutes affected:
Introduced (4311H.01): 192.530