This bill appropriates $12,000,000 from the bond proceeds fund to the commissioner of employment and economic development for a grant to the city of Brooklyn Park. The funds are designated for the construction, furnishing, and equipping of a new addition to the Brooklyn Park community activity center, which will include multicourt gymnasium space. To finance this appropriation, the commissioner of management and budget is authorized to sell and issue state bonds up to the same amount, following the procedures outlined in Minnesota Statutes and the Minnesota Constitution.

Additionally, the bill amends existing legislation regarding a grant to the city of Brooklyn Park for the renovation of the community activity center. The previous language specifying the purpose of the renovation as a "multicourt gymnasium space to serve as a regional multisport athletic and activities facility" has been deleted. Instead, the new language includes provisions for improvements to facility entrances for better access, compliance with ADA standards, enhancements for community event space, and the addition of a parking facility. The effective date of this section is the day following its final enactment.