A bill for an act
relating to taxation; making various policy and technical changes to individual
income and corporate franchise taxes, fire and police state aids, tax-related data
practices provisions, and other miscellaneous taxes and tax provisions; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 6.495, subdivision 3; 13.46, subdivision 2;
270C.13, subdivision 1; 270C.19, subdivisions 1, 2; 270C.446, subdivision 2;
289A.08, subdivisions 7, 7a; 289A.382, subdivision 2; 289A.50, by adding a
subdivision; 290.01, subdivision 19; 290.06, subdivision 22; 290.0671, subdivisions
1, 7; 290.0685, subdivision 1; 290.92, subdivision 20; 290.9705, subdivision 1;
290A.03, subdivision 13; 290A.19; 295.50, subdivision 4; 296A.083, subdivision
3; 297A.61, subdivision 29; 299C.76, subdivisions 1, 2; 477B.01, subdivisions 5,
10, 11, by adding subdivisions; 477B.02, subdivisions 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, by adding
a subdivision; 477B.03, subdivisions 2, 3, 4, 5, 7; 477B.04, subdivision 1, by
adding a subdivision; 477C.02, subdivision 4; 477C.03, subdivisions 2, 5; 477C.04,
by adding a subdivision; Laws 2008, chapter 366, article 17, section 6; repealing
Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 477B.02, subdivision 4; 477B.03, subdivision




Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 289A.08, subdivision 7, is amended to read:

Subd. 7.

Composite income tax returns for nonresident partners, shareholders, and

(a) The commissioner may allow a partnership with nonresident partners to
file a composite return and to pay the tax on behalf of nonresident partners who have no
other Minnesota source income. This composite return must include the names, addresses,
Social Security numbers, income allocation, and tax liability for the nonresident partners
electing to be covered by the composite return.

(b) The computation of a partner's tax liability must be determined by multiplying the
income allocated to that partner by the highest rate used to determine the tax liability for
individuals under section 290.06, subdivision 2c. Nonbusiness deductions, standard
deductions, or personal exemptions are not allowed.

(c) The partnership must submit a request to use this composite return filing method for
nonresident partners. The requesting partnership must file a composite return in the form
prescribed by the commissioner of revenue. The filing of a composite return is considered
a request to use the composite return filing method.

(d) The electing partner must not have any Minnesota source income other than the
income from the partnership, other electing partnerships, and other qualifying entities
electing to file and pay the pass-through entity tax under subdivision 7a. If it is determined
that the electing partner has other Minnesota source income, the inclusion of the income
and tax liability for that partner under this provision will not constitute a return to satisfy
the requirements of subdivision 1. The tax paid for the individual as part of the composite
return is allowed as a payment of the tax by the individual on the date on which the composite
return payment was made. If the electing nonresident partner has no other Minnesota source
income, filing of the composite return is a return for purposes of subdivision 1.

(e) This subdivision does not negate the requirement that an individual pay estimated
tax if the individual's liability would exceed the requirements set forth in section 289A.25.
The individual's liability to pay estimated tax is, however, satisfied when the partnership
pays composite estimated tax in the manner prescribed in section 289A.25.

(f) If an electing partner's share of the partnership's gross income from Minnesota sources
is less than the filing requirements for a nonresident under this subdivision, the tax liability
is zero. However, a statement showing the partner's share of gross income must be included
as part of the composite return.

(g) The election provided in this subdivision is only available to a partner who has no
other Minnesota source income and who is either (1) a full-year nonresident individual or
(2) a trust or estate that does not claim a deduction under either section 651 or 661 of the
Internal Revenue Code.

(h) A corporation defined in section 290.9725 and its nonresident shareholders may
make an election under this paragraph. The provisions covering the partnership apply to
the corporation and the provisions applying to the partner apply to the shareholder.

(i) Estates and trusts distributing current income only and the nonresident individual
beneficiaries of the estates or trusts may make an election under this paragraph. The
provisions covering the partnership apply to the estate or trust. The provisions applying to
the partner apply to the beneficiary.

(j) For the purposes of this subdivision, "income" deleted text begin means the partner's share of federal
adjusted gross income from the partnership modified by the additions provided in section
290.0131, subdivisions 8 to 10, 16, and 17, and the subtractions provided in: (1) section
290.0132, subdivisions 9, 27, and 28, to the extent the amount is assignable or allocable to
Minnesota under section 290.17; and (2) section 290.0132, subdivision 14. The subtraction
allowed under section 290.0132, subdivision 9, is only allowed on the composite tax
computation to the extent the electing partner would have been allowed the subtraction.
deleted text end new text begin has
the meaning given in section 290.01, subdivision 19, paragraph (h).
new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for taxable years beginning after December
31, 2022.
new text end

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 289A.08, subdivision 7a, is amended to read:

Subd. 7a.

Pass-through entity tax.

(a) For the purposes of this subdivision, the following
terms have the meanings given:

(1) "income" has the meaning given in deleted text begin subdivision 7, paragraph (j), modified by the
addition provided in section 290.0131, subdivision 5, and the subtraction provided in section
290.0132, subdivision 3, except that the provisions that apply to a partnership apply to a
qualifying entity and the provisions that apply to a partner apply to a qualifying owner. The
income of both a resident and nonresident qualifying owner is allocated and assigned to
this state as provided for nonresident partners and shareholders under sections 290.17,
290.191, and 290.20;
deleted text end new text begin section 290.01, subdivision 19, paragraph (i);
new text end

(2) "qualifying entity" means a partnership, limited liability companynew text begin taxed as a
partnership or S corporation
new text end , or S corporation including a qualified subchapter S subsidiary
organized under section 1361(b)(3)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code. Qualifying entity does
not include a partnership, limited liability company, or corporation that has a partnership,
limited liability company other than a disregarded entity, or corporation as a partner, member,
or shareholder; and

(3) "qualifying owner" means:

(i) a resident or nonresident individual or estate that is a partner, member, or shareholder
of a qualifying entity; or

(ii) a resident or nonresident trust that is a shareholder of a qualifying entity that is an
S corporation.

(b) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2020, in which the taxes of a
qualifying owner are limited under section 164(b)(6)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code, a
qualifying entity may elect to file a return and pay the pass-through entity tax imposed under
paragraph (c). The election:

(1) must be made on or before the due date or extended due date of the qualifying entity's
pass-through entity tax return;

(2) may only be made by qualifying owners who collectively hold more than a 50 percent
ownership interest in the qualifying entity;

(3) is binding on all qualifying owners who have an ownership interest in the qualifying
entity; and

(4) once made is irrevocable for the taxable year.

(c) Subject to the election in paragraph (b), a pass-through entity tax is imposed on a
qualifying entity in an amount equal to the sum of the tax liability of each qualifying owner.

(d) The amount of a qualifying owner's tax liability under paragraph (c) is the amount
of the qualifying owner's income multiplied by the highest tax rate for individuals under
section 290.06, subdivision 2c. When making this determination:

(1) nonbusiness deductions, standard deductions, or personal exemptions are not allowed;

(2) a credit or deduction is allowed only to the extent allowed to the qualifying owner.

(e) The amount of each credit and deduction used to determine a qualifying owner's tax
liability under paragraph (d) must also be used to determine that qualifying owner's income
tax liability under chapter 290.

(f) This subdivision does not negate the requirement that a qualifying owner pay estimated
tax if the qualifying owner's tax liability would exceed the requirements set forth in section
289A.25. The qualifying owner's liability to pay estimated tax on the qualifying owner's
tax liability as determined under paragraph (d) is, however, satisfied when the qualifying
entity pays estimated tax in the manner prescribed in section 289A.25 for composite estimated

(g) A qualifying owner's adjusted basis in the interest in the qualifying entity, and the
treatment of distributions, is determined as if the election to pay the pass-through entity tax
under paragraph (b) is not made.

(h) To the extent not inconsistent with this subdivision, for purposes of this chapter, a
pass-through entity tax return must be treated as a composite return and a qualifying entity
filing a pass-through entity tax return must be treated as a partnership filing a composite

(i) The provisions of subdivision 17 apply to the election to pay the pass-through entity
tax under this subdivision.

(j) If a nonresident qualifying owner of a qualifying entity making the election to file
and pay the tax under this subdivision has no other Minnesota source income, filing of the
pass-through entity tax return is a return for purposes of subdivision 1, provided that the
nonresident qualifying owner must not have any Minnesota source income other than the
income from the qualifying entity, other electing qualifying entities, and other partnerships
electing to file a composite return under subdivision 7. If it is determined that the nonresident
qualifying owner has other Minnesota source income, the inclusion of the income and tax
liability for that owner under this provision will not constitute a return to satisfy the
requirements of subdivision 1. The tax paid for the qualifying owner as part of the
pass-through entity tax return is allowed as a payment of the tax by the qualifying owner
on the date on which the pass-through entity tax return payment was made.

new text begin (k) Once a credit is claimed by a qualifying owner under section 290.06, subdivision
40, the qualifying entity cannot receive a refund for tax paid under this subdivision for any