Legislative Analysis
Phone: (517) 373-8080
Senate Bill 878 (S-1) as passed by the Senate
Analysis available at
Sponsor: Sen. John Cherry http://www.legislature.mi.gov
House Committee: Tax Policy
Senate Committee: Regulatory Affairs
Complete to 6-19-24 (Enacted as Public Act 116 of 2024)
Senate Bill 878 would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to allow a vehicle that is donated or
loaned by a licensed new motor vehicle dealer for use in a golf tournament, charity event, or
public civic event to be operated with a temporary civic event license plate during the event
and preparation for the event.
The secretary of state could issue a temporary civic event license plate upon application before
the event, in a form and manner prescribed by the Department of State, by the licensed new
motor vehicle dealer that donated or loaned the vehicle. The application would have to be
accompanied by a $10 application fee and include all of the following:
• The name of the event the vehicle will be used for.
• The date and duration of the event.
• The number of vehicles loaned or donated.
• The anticipated vehicle identification number or numbers.
• Any other information required by the department.
A vehicle bearing a temporary civic event license plate could only provide services for the
events the plate was issued for, and its use would be limited to the time set forth in the
application. Approved services could include any of the following:
• Parades.
• Transportation of dignitaries to and from event activities.
• Use by event personnel or volunteers.
• Any other activity a vehicle may be required for in furtherance of the approved event.
After the temporary plate expires, the vehicle would have to be returned to the dealer, who
would have to remove and destroy temporary plate.
MCL 257.244
The bill would not have a significant fiscal impact on the Department of State. The bill would
provide for administrative costs to the secretary of state by requiring a $10 service fee with
each application for a temporary civic license plate.
Legislative Analyst: Alex Stegbauer
Fiscal Analyst: Michael Cnossen
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency staff for use by House members in their
deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.
House Fiscal Agency Page 1 of 1

Statutes affected:
Substitute (S-1): 257.244
Senate Introduced Bill: 257.244
As Passed by the Senate: 257.244
As Passed by the House: 257.244
Public Act: 257.244
Senate Enrolled Bill: 257.244