Summary: As Passed by the Senate
Senate Bill 760 (S-1) as Amended
Analysts: Michael Cnossen and Austin Scott
Difference: Senate
FY 2023-24 From FY 2023-24
Enacted FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 Enacted
as of 2/7/24 Executive House Senate Conference Amount %
IDG/IDT $1,156,861,300 $1,190,502,300 $1,197,837,100 $1,199,278,300 $ $42,417,000 3.7
Federal 44,035,500 44,147,200 44,147,200 44,147,200 111,700 0.3
Local 17,372,800 17,541,100 17,541,100 17,541,800 169,000 1.0
Private 684,800 762,300 762,300 762,300 77,500 11.3
Restricted 2,629,280,600 2,695,500,600 2,684,972,500 2,754,468,100 125,187,500 4.8
GF/GP 1,559,208,500 1,237,310,700 1,248,099,700 1,217,090,600 (342,117,900) (21.9)
Gross $5,407,443,500 $5,185,764,200 $5,193,359,900 $5,233,287,600 $ ($174,155,900) (3.2)
FTEs 7,732.1 7,813.4 7,791.6 7,805.6 73.5 1.0
Note: Appropriation figures for FY 2024-25 include all proposed appropriation amounts, including amounts designated as "one-
Currently, the following departmental and agency budgets are included in the General Government budget: Executive
Office, Legislature, Legislative Auditor General, and the Departments of Attorney General, Civil Rights, State, Technology,
Management, and Budget (including the former Departments of Civil Service and Information Technology, and State
Building Authority rent costs), and Treasury (including the Bureau of State Lottery, Michigan Gaming Control Board, State
Building Authority, Revenue Sharing, and Debt Service). Budget issues are listed by department on the following
Major Boilerplate Changes from FY 2023-24
Sec. 206. Disciplinary Action Against State Employees – RETAINED
Prohibits departments from taking disciplinary action against employees in the state classified civil service for
communicating with legislators or their staff; stipulates disciplinary action may be taken if the communication is prohibited
by law and disciplinary action is exercised as authorized by law. (Governor deemed this section unenforceable in FY
2023-24.) Executive revises. House and Senate retain.
Sec. 208. Hiring of External Counsel – REVISED
Prohibits using appropriations to hire a person to provide legal services that are the responsibility of the attorney general;
prohibition does not apply to legal services for bonding activities or to services authorized by attorney general. Senate
revises to require the department to make timely reimbursements to the attorney general; authorizes the attorney general
to increase the amount billed to the department for reimbursements made later than 60 days after receiving the bill for
legal services. Executive and House maintain current language.
Sec. 210. Budget Stabilization Fund – REVISED
Provides budget stabilization fund calculations for pay-in and pay-out as required by Section 352 of the Management and
Budget Act; states that $100.0 million is appropriated for deposit in the Countercyclical Budget and Economic Stabilization
Fund in FY 2023-24. Executive includes $100.0 million for deposit. House does not include a deposit. Senate concurs
with Executive.
Sec. 211. Transparency Website – RETAINED
Requires department to provide data necessary for DTMB to maintain a searchable website that is accessible by the
public at no cost that includes expenditure data, data on payments made to vendors, and data on number of active
employees, job specifications, and wage rates. Executive deletes. House and Senate retain.
Sec. 212. State Restricted Funds Report – RETAINED
Requires department and State Budget Office to report on state restricted fund balances, projected state restricted fund
revenues, and state restricted fund expenditures. Executive deletes. House and Senate retain.
House Fiscal Agency 1 5/22/2024
Major Boilerplate Changes from FY 2023-24
Sec. 214. Performance Metrics Website – DELETED
Requires department to maintain a publicly accessible website that identifies and tracks its performance against key
metrics used to monitor and improve its performance. Executive deletes. House and Senate concur.
Sec. 216. FTE Vacancies and Remote Work Report – RETAINED
Requires department to provide quarterly report on FTE counts by classification and actual FTE position counts compared
to authorized FTE position counts; requires detailed accounting of vacant positions. Executive revises to delete all
reporting requirements except for a comparison of FTE positions authorized and positions filled. House and Senate retain.
Sec. 217. Prioritization of In-person Work for State Workforce – DELETED
States intent of legislature is to maximize efficiency of state workforce and, where possible, prioritize in-person work;
requires department to post its in-person, remote, or hybrid work policy on its website. Executive deletes. House retains.
Senate concurs with Executive.
Sec. 219. State Administrative Board Transfers – DELETED
Authorizes legislature, by concurrent resolution adopted by majority of members elected to and serving in each house, to
inter-transfer funds if State Administrative Board transfers funds. (Governor deemed this section unenforceable in FY
2023-24.) Executive deletes. House and Senate concur.
Sec. 219. Receipt and Retention of Required Reports – RETAINED
Requires department to receive and retain copies of all reports required; requires federal and state guidelines to be
followed for short-term and long-term retention of records; authorizes department to electronically retain copies of reports
unless otherwise required by federal and state guidelines. Executive deletes. House and Senate retain.
Sec. 220. Reporting Requirement on Policy Changes – RETAINED
Requires department to report on policy changes made in order to implement enacted legislation. Executive deletes.
House and Senate retain.
Sec. 220. Severance Pay Report – RETAINED
Requires department and agencies to report name and any amount of severance pay given to high-ranking department
officials; requires department and agencies to submit annual report on total amount of severance pay remitted to former
employees during prior fiscal year and total number of those employees; defines "severance pay". Executive deletes.
House concurs. Senate retains.
Sec. 222. Work Project Expenditures – RETAINED
Prohibits appropriations from being expended in cases where existing work project authorization is available for the same
expenditures. (Governor deemed this section unenforceable in FY 2023-24.) Executive deletes. House and Senate retain.
Sec. 223. Fund Sourcing Priorities – RETAINED
Requires federal or private grant funding to be used prior to general fund appropriations when available for the same
expenditure. Executive deletes. House and Senate retain.
Sec. 225. Initiatives and Recommendations Related to Savings Identified in Audit Reports – RETAINED
Requires departments and agencies to report on their efforts and progress made toward achieving savings and
efficiencies identified by the auditor general in audit reports; authorizes the auditor general to perform and charge for a
subsequent audit to ensure that the initiatives related to savings and efficiencies have been implemented if the required
report is not received within 6 months of the release of the audit. (Governor deemed this section unenforceable in FY
2023-24.) Executive deletes. House and Senate retain.
Sec. 227. Posting Budget Boilerplate Reports Online – NEW
Requires departments and agencies to post all reports required by budget boilerplate on their website by the required due
date. House and Senate add. Executive does not include.
Sec. 229. Grant and Project Funding Transparency – RETAINED
Requires departments and agencies to follow procurement statutes for any grant program or project, created for a public
purpose, unless it can fully validate specific organization or local unit of government that will receive funds and how funds
will be administered and expended; provides list of required verifying and application activities departments must perform
to administer public grants or projects; requires identification of sponsoring legislator or department of a grant and certain
activities for approval of grant agreement; requires all grant funding to be expended by close of FY 2027-28; requires
information on each grant or project to be posted on public website, including receiving entity and grant sponsor. Executive
deletes. House concurs. House and Senate retain.
House Fiscal Agency 2 5/22/2024
Summary: As Passed by the Senate
Senate Bill 760 (S-1) as Amended
Analyst: Michael Cnossen
Difference: Senate
FY 2023-24 From FY 2023-24
Enacted FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 Enacted
as of 2/7/24 Executive House Senate Conference Amount %
IDG/IDT $36,235,500 $39,465,600 $39,465,600 $39,465,600 $ $3,230,100 8.9
Federal 10,063,800 10,391,600 10,391,600 10,391,600 327,800 3.3
Local 0 0 0 0 0 --
Private 0 0 0 0 0 --
Restricted 20,773,100 22,283,400 23,283,400 22,633,400 1,860,300 9.0
GF/GP 75,726,000 56,409,100 61,409,100 57,409,200 (18,316,800) (24.2)
Gross $142,798,400 $128,549,700 $134,549,700 $129,899,800 $ ($12,898,600) (9.0)
FTEs 611.4 626.4 626.4 628.4 17.0 2.8
Note: Appropriation figures for FY 2024-25 include all proposed appropriation amounts, including amounts designated as "one-
The attorney general serves as legal counsel for state departments, agencies, boards, and commissions, and their
officers; brings actions and intervenes in cases on the state's behalf; and represents legislators and judges who may be
sued while acting in their official capacities. The attorney general issues opinions on questions of law submitted by
members of legislature and others, serves as chief law enforcement officer of the state, issues legal opinions that have
the force of law until reversed by legislative or judicial action, and has supervisory powers over all local prosecuting
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted Senate
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
1. County Prosecutor Grants (One-Time) Gross NA $0
House includes $3.0 million GF/GP for grants to county prosecutor GF/GP NA $0
offices that are understaffed relative to their caseload. Grantees would
use the grants to bring staffing closer to optimal levels to reduce the
average caseload per attorney. Executive and Senate do not include.
2. Payroll Fraud Enforcement Unit Gross $25,500 $100
House includes $2.0 million GF/GP to support increased legal actions GF/GP $25,500 $100
against employers who fraudulently underpay their employees and
activities to strengthen whistleblower protections to shield employees
who report wrongdoing. Executive does not include. Senate includes
$100 as a placeholder.
3. Operation Survivor Justice (One-Time) Gross $0 $1,000,000
House includes $1.0 million of state restricted funding from the Attorney Restricted 0 0
General's Operations Fund to supplant GF/GP revenue for ongoing GF/GP $0 $1,000,000
operations and use it towards supporting prosecutorial costs of
extraditing individuals with outstanding warrants for sexual assault
related offenses. Funds would be used as a state match for federal
grants. Executive does not include. Senate includes $1.0 million GF/GP.
House Fiscal Agency 3 5/22/2024
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Enacted Senate
Major Budget Changes from FY 2023-24 Enacted Appropriations (as of 2/7/24) Change
4. Utility Consumer Representation Fund FTE NA 1.0
Executive includes $900,000 of state restricted revenue and Gross $900,000 $900,000
authorization for 1.0 FTE position for participation in administrative and Restricted 900,000 900,000
judicial proceedings in various utility rate oversight cases. The increased GF/GP $0 $0
amount reflects the department's share of the increased assessment to
certain electric and gas utilities, authorized under 2023 PA 231, and
deposited into the Utility Consumer Representation Fund. The total
assessment increased from $900,000 to $1.8 million under the act.
House and Senate concur.
5. Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) Gross NA $850,000
COVID Funds Fraud Recovery (One-Time) IDG NA 850,000
Executive includes $850,000 in IDG funding to provide legal support to GF/GP NA $0
MSHDA in prosecuting cases of fraudulently obtained COVID relief
funds and to recover those funds. Efforts will focus on funding received
through the COVID Emergency Rental Assistance program (CERA)
which received over 300,000 applications and provided nearly $1.0
billion to assist individuals and landlords with unpaid back rent due to
financial hardship. House and Senate concur.
6. Cannabis Regulatory Agency Legal Services FTE NA 5.0
Executive includes $780,500 in IDG funding and authorization for 5.0 Gross $1,681,400 $780,500
FTE positions to provide additional legal services to the Cannabis IDG 1,681,400 780,500
Regulatory Agency within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory GF/GP $0 $0
Affairs in response to increased caseloads related to marijuana sales.
House and Senate concur.
7. Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential FTE NA 4.0
(MiLEAP) Legal Services Gross $253,000 $740,000
Executive includes $740,000 in IDG funding and authorization for 4.0 IDG 253,000 740,000
FTE positions to provide legal services to the newly created department GF/GP $0 $0
MiLEAP as part of the Department of Attorney General's role of serving
as legal counsel for state departments. House and Senate concur.
8. Criminal Trials Services FTE NA 3.0
Executive includes $515,000 GF/GP and authorization for 3.0 FTE Gross NA $515,000
positions for additional staffing resources for various criminal law GF/GP NA $515,000
programs and units, including the address confidentiality program,
special prosecutor assignments, unemployment benefits fraud, the hate
crimes unit, and cold case homicide investigations and prosecutions.
House and Senate concur.
9. Opioid Recovery Fund Administration FTE 0.0 2.0
Senate provides $350,000 of state restricted revenues from the Gross $0 $350,000
Michigan Opioid Healing and Recovery Fund and authorization for 2.0 Restricted 0 350,000
FTE positions to support administration of the fund and disbursements GF/GP $0 $0
of settlement revenue to eligible local units of government. Executive
and House do not include.
10. Child Support Enforcement FTE 25.0 1.0
Executive includes $200,000 Gross ($67,900 GF/GP) and authorization Gross $3,733,400 $200,000
for 1.0 FTE position for the investigation and prosecution of non- Federal 2,803,100 132,100
payment of court ordered child support from parents who are financially GF/GP $930,300 $67,900
able. House and Senate concur.
11. Prisoner Reimbursements FTE NA 1.0
Executive includes $200,000 in state restricted revenue and