February 22, 2024, Introduced by Rep. Schriver and referred to the Committee on Government
A bill to amend 1978 PA 323, entitled
"Michigan health planning and health policy development act,"
by amending sections 4, 10, and 17 (MCL 325.2004, 325.2010, and
325.2017), sections 10 and 17 as amended by 1988 PA 309.
1 Sec. 4. (1) "Health service area" means an area designated by
2 the secretary pursuant to section 1511 of title 15 of the public
3 health services act, 42 U.S.C. 300l, section 1511 of former title
4 XV of the public health service act, Public Law 93-641, as a health
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1 service area.
2 (2) "Health systems agency" means a conditionally or fully
3 designated health systems agency for a health service area within
4 this state designated pursuant to section 1515 of title 15 of the
5 public health services act, 42 U.S.C. 300l-4.section 1515 of former
6 title XV of the public health service act, Public Law 93-641.
7 (3) "Health systems plan" means a plan developed by a health
8 systems agency pursuant to section 1513(b)(2) of title 15 of the
9 public health services act, 42 U.S.C. 300l-2.section 1513(b)(2) of
10 former title XV of the public health service act, Public Law 93-
11 641.
12 (4) "Institutional health services" means the health services
13 provided through health care facilities and health maintenance
14 organizations as defined under section 1122 of the social security
15 act, 42 U.S.C. USC 1320a-1, or under the state certificate of need
16 program under Act No. 256 of the Public Acts of 1972, as amended,
17 being sections 331.451 to 331.462 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, as
18 it existed before July 10, 1978, and includes the entities in or
19 through which those services are provided. The term Institutional
20 health services does not include a Christian science Science
21 sanatorium operated, or listed and certified, by the first church
22 of Christ, scientist, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston,
23 Massachusetts.
24 Sec. 10. (1) The council shall carry out the following
25 activities relating to state health planning and health policy
26 development:
27 (a) Subject to subsection (2), prepare and approve the state
28 health plan not less frequently than once every 3 years. The
29 council may revise individual components of the plan as considered
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1 necessary by the council.
2 (b) Submit the proposed state health plan to the governor and
3 the standing committee of each house of the legislature having
4 jurisdiction over public health matters. The governor or
5 legislature may disapprove the plan within 60 legislative session
6 days after submission. If the legislature is not in session at the
7 time of submission, when the plan is submitted, the 60 legislative
8 session days shall commence the first day on which the legislature
9 reconvenes. Legislative disapproval shall must be expressed by a
10 concurrent resolution which shall be that is adopted by a record
11 roll call vote of each house of the legislature. The concurrent
12 resolution shall must state specific objections to the plan. If the
13 proposed state health plan is disapproved by concurrent resolution,
14 the council shall revise the plan based on the stated objections.
15 If the plan is not disapproved within the 60 legislative session
16 days, the plan shall be is considered approved. As used in this
17 subdivision, "legislative session day" means each day in which a
18 quorum of either the house of representatives or senate, following
19 a call to order, officially convenes in Lansing to conduct
20 legislative business.
21 (c) Annually review program activities and budgets of state
22 departments which that are related to health and medical care to
23 determine consistency of these activities and budgets with the
24 state health plan. The council shall report its conclusions to
25 appropriate legislative committees, to the governor, and to other
26 affected agencies.
27 (d) Actively pursue implementation of the recommendations
28 contained in the state health plan. An annual implementation plan
29 shall must be prepared and submitted to the legislature, the
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1 governor, and other interested parties.
2 (e) Provide a public forum for the discussion and
3 identification of priority health issues.
4 (f) Make recommendations to the governor, the legislature, and
5 other affected agencies regarding current or proposed changes in
6 federal and state health statutes, policies, and budgets, taking
7 into account the state health plan.
8 (g) Cooperate with legislative committees having jurisdiction
9 over health matters and advise in the development of a consistent
10 and coordinated policy for health affairs in this state.
11 (h) Assess the policies and rules of state departments and
12 agencies concerning the collection and application of statistics
13 relating to health, health planning, and health policy development,
14 and periodically make recommendations to the governor, the
15 legislature, and other affected agencies for improvement and
16 coordination of the statistics. The council shall report its
17 conclusions under this subdivision to appropriate legislative
18 committees, the governor, and other affected agencies. The report
19 shall must recommend, at a minimum, policies concerning
20 accessibility of data, uniformity and reliability of data,
21 independent and shared use of data, and coordination of health data
22 systems.
23 (i) Perform other duties as specified in part 222 of the
24 public health code, Act No. 368 of the Public Acts of 1978, being
25 sections 333.22201 to 333.22259 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
26 (2) The state health plan shall must do all of the following:
27 (a) Address mechanisms to promote adequate access to health
28 care for all segments of the this state's population.
29 (b) Outline initiatives designed to contain the costs of
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1 health care and improve the efficiency with which services are
2 delivered.
3 (c) Address the ways in which changes in individual behavior
4 and responsibility can assist in reducing the costs of health care.
5 (d) Promote innovative and cost effective strategies for
6 projecting and addressing the future needs of the population.
7 (e) Encourage the rational development and distribution of
8 health care services.
9 (f) Suggest means by which the quality of health care services
10 can be improved through changes in the delivery system.
11 (g) Promote cooperation between the public and private sectors
12 in achieving subdivisions (a) to (f).
13 Sec. 17. In addition to the duties prescribed under section
14 15, the office shall do all of the following:
15 (a) Collect and publish technical and other information, if
16 the collection and publication of such that information is not
17 duplicative, that would promote informed decision making by
18 individuals and groups related to services, financing and delivery
19 systems, and health benefit design.
20 (b) Identify priority health issues and create strategies to
21 address the priority health issues in a coordinated manner. The
22 office may convene appropriate groups and consult with the council
23 in carrying out the duties of the office under this subdivision.
24 (c) Collect, retrieve, analyze, report, and publish data and
25 information concerning health policy and health planning to the
26 maximum extent possible using existing data and information from
27 extant sources. The office shall utilize the data, statistics, and
28 other information collected or prepared by other state and local
29 agencies concerning the health status and health needs of the
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1 people of this state.
2 (d) Perform other duties and responsibilities prescribed by
3 the governor or the legislature.
4 (e) Inform the council of the activities of the office.
5 (f) Recommend to the governor, legislature, and other state
6 departments and agencies ways to implement the state health plan.
7 (g) Advise the governor and the legislature as to plans and
8 policies of state departments and agencies and other public and
9 private entities relating to health activities appropriate to
10 assure implementation of the state health plan.
11 (h) Develop recommendations to improve the organization,
12 delivery, and financing of health care.
13 (i) Advise the governor and the legislature on the steps
14 necessary to achieve and facilitate a consistent and coordinated
15 policy for health affairs in this state.
16 (j) Perform other duties as specified in part 222 of the
17 public health code, Act No. 368 of the Public Acts of 1978, being
18 sections 333.22201 to 333.22259 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
19 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect
20 unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5477 (request no.
21 01038'23) of the 102nd Legislature is enacted into law.
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Statutes affected:
House Introduced Bill: 325.2004