October 25, 2023, Introduced by Reps. Martus, Hill, Miller, MacDonell, Morgan, Stone, Byrnes,
Wilson, Conlin, Andrews, Coffia, McFall, Skaggs, Price, Hope, Rheingans, Brixie,
Dievendorf, Brabec, McKinney and Arbit.
A bill to regulate political activity; to require candidates
for the state board of education to file financial reports; to
prescribe the powers and duties of certain state officers and
agencies; to impose fees; to prescribe penalties and civil
sanctions; and to provide remedies.
1 Sec. 1. This act may be cited as the "candidate for the state
2 board of education financial disclosure act".
3 Sec. 2. As used in this act:
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1 (a) "Beneficial interest" includes, but is not limited to, the
2 interest in a trust of a qualified trust beneficiary or a trust
3 beneficiary as those terms are defined in section 7103 of the
4 estates and protected individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL 700.7103.
5 (b) "Blind trust" means a qualified blind trust or qualified
6 diversified trust as those terms are defined in 5 CFR 2634.403.
7 (c) "Candidate" means that term as defined in section 3 of the
8 Michigan campaign finance act, 1976 PA 388, MCL 169.203.
9 (d) "Candidate for office" means a candidate for the office of
10 member of the state board of education.
11 (e) "Dependent" means an individual claimed by the candidate
12 for office or the candidate for office's spouse as a dependent for
13 federal income tax purposes.
14 (f) "Earned income" means salaries, wages, tips, bonuses,
15 commissions, or other compensation or net earnings from self-
16 employment for the taxable year.
17 (g) "Gift" means that term as defined in section 4 of 1978 PA
18 472, MCL 4.414.
19 (h) "Immediate family member" means the spouse or a dependent
20 of the candidate for office.
21 (i) "Income" means money or any thing of value received, or to
22 be received as a claim on future services, whether in the form of a
23 fee, salary, expense, allowance, forbearance, forgiveness,
24 interest, dividend, royalty, rent, capital gain, or any other form
25 of recompense that is considered income under the internal revenue
26 code of 1986, 26 USC 1 to 9834.
27 (j) "Liabilities" means what a person owes to another person,
28 including, but not limited to, mortgages or other debts. For
29 purposes of this act, a debt does not include a revolving or
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1 unsecured debt that is from a financial institution or the federal
2 government.
3 (k) "Lobbyist" means that term as defined in section 5 of 1978
4 PA 472, MCL 4.415.
5 (l) "Lobbyist agent" means that term as defined in section 5 of
6 1978 PA 472, MCL 4.415.
7 (m) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation,
8 association, or other legal entity.
9 (n) "Reporting period" means both of the following:
10 (i) For the first report required to be filed under section 3,
11 from January 1, 2024 to April 15, 2024.
12 (ii) For subsequent reports required to be filed under section
13 3, January 1 to December 31 of the preceding calendar year in which
14 the report is filed.
15 (o) "Spouse" means an individual who is lawfully married to
16 the candidate for office as described under 26 CFR 301.7701-18.
17 (p) "Unearned income" means income that is not earned from
18 employment, including, but not limited to, inheritance money,
19 financial prize, unemployment benefits, annuities, stock dividends,
20 deferred compensation, pension, profit sharing, or retirement
21 income.
22 Sec. 3. (1) An individual who is a candidate for office at any
23 time during a calendar year shall electronically file with the
24 secretary of state a report that meets the requirements of section
25 4. The report required to be filed under this subsection must first
26 be filed by April 15, 2024 and by May 15 of each year thereafter,
27 or if the candidate for office files a statement of organization
28 for that candidate's candidate committee after May 15 in order to
29 be nominated by a political party at the political party's
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1 nominating convention, the report required to be filed under this
2 subsection must be filed no later than 30 days after that candidate
3 files the statement of organization for that candidate's candidate
4 committee. This subsection does not apply to an individual who,
5 under any of the following acts, files a report in the current
6 calendar year:
7 (a) State board of education financial disclosure act.
8 (b) Executive office financial disclosure act.
9 (c) Candidate for executive office financial disclosure act.
10 (d) State representative financial disclosure act.
11 (e) Candidate for state representative financial disclosure
12 act.
13 (f) State senator financial disclosure act.
14 (g) Candidate for state senator financial disclosure act.
15 (h) University board member financial disclosure act.
16 (i) Candidate for university board member financial disclosure
17 act.
18 (2) If a candidate for office who is required to file a report
19 under this act receives notice from the secretary of state under
20 section 6(1)(g), the candidate for office shall, within 9 business
21 days after receiving the notice, file corrections to the errors or
22 omissions or file the report, as applicable.
23 Sec. 4. (1) Subject to subsection (4) and except as provided
24 in section 5, a report required under section 3 must include a
25 complete statement of all of the following:
26 (a) The following information regarding the candidate for
27 office during the reporting period:
28 (i) The full name, mailing address, and occupation of the
29 candidate for office.
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1 (ii) The name, address, and principal activity of each employer
2 of the candidate for office.
3 (iii) The source and type of all income, including earned and
4 unearned income, received by the candidate for office. For purposes
5 of this subparagraph, the candidate for office shall report a
6 source of income only if the income received from that source is
7 $1,000.00 or more and indicate whether the amount of income
8 received from each source of income is between $1,000.00 and
9 $49,999.99 or $50,000.00 or more.
10 (iv) A description of each real property or property that the
11 candidate for office has an ownership interest in, including, but
12 not limited to, commercial, industrial, or agricultural buildings.
13 For purposes of this subparagraph, the candidate for office is
14 required to include a real property or property described under
15 this subparagraph in the report only if that real property or
16 property has a fair market value of $1,000.00 or more during the
17 reporting period. A candidate for office may exclude the street
18 number of a parcel of real property or property listed under this
19 subparagraph.
20 (v) A description of any stocks, bonds, commodities, futures,
21 shares in mutual funds, or other forms of securities defined under
22 26 USC 1236 held by the candidate for office or held jointly with
23 the candidate for office's spouse. For purposes of this
24 subparagraph, the candidate for office is required to include a
25 security described under this subparagraph in the report only if
26 that security has a total value of $1,000.00 or more on a specified
27 day that is within the final month of the calendar year covered in
28 the reporting period.
29 (vi) A description of all liabilities owed by the candidate for
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1 office and the identity of each creditor. For purposes of this
2 subparagraph, the candidate for office is required to report a
3 liability under this subparagraph only if the liability owed to a
4 creditor is $1,000.00 or more during that reporting period.
5 (vii) The identity of all compensated positions held by the
6 candidate for office as an officer, director, member, trustee,
7 partner, proprietor, representative, employee, or consultant of a
8 corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership,
9 partnership, or other business enterprise; of a nonprofit
10 organization; of a labor organization; or of an educational
11 institution or other institution other than this state, if the
12 total compensation received from a position equals $1,000.00 or
13 more during the reporting period. A position reported under this
14 subparagraph must include the title of the position, the name of
15 the entity within which the position exists, and the principal
16 activity of the entity. A position held in any religious, social,
17 fraternal, or political entity, or a position that is solely of an
18 honorary nature, is excluded under this subparagraph.
19 (viii) The date, parties to, and general terms of any agreements
20 or arrangements with respect to future employment, a leave of
21 absence while serving as a candidate for office, continuation or
22 deferral of payments by a former or current employer other than
23 this state, or continuing participation in an employee welfare or
24 benefit plan maintained by a former employer.
25 (ix) A list of all gifts and expenditures for food and
26 beverages reported by a lobbyist or lobbyist agent under state law.
27 (x) A list of all travel and expenses paid for or reimbursed
28 by a lobbyist or lobbyist agent that are reported by the lobbyist
29 or lobbyist agent under state law.
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1 (xi) A description of each payment made by a lobbyist or
2 lobbyist agent to a charity in lieu of honoraria.
3 (xii) If the candidate for office filing the report or an
4 immediate family member of that candidate for office was required
5 during the reporting period to register as a lobbyist or lobbyist
6 agent under section 7 of 1978 PA 472, MCL 4.417, the name, address,
7 and principal activity of all persons who gave compensation to or
8 reimbursed the candidate for office or the immediate family member
9 of the candidate for office for lobbying.
10 (xiii) A description of any interest the candidate for office
11 had during the reporting period in a legal entity that conducts
12 business in this state, if the interest has a book value of
13 $1,000.00 or more. For purposes of this subparagraph, the candidate
14 for office shall indicate for each legal entity the candidate for
15 office has an interest in the name of the legal entity and if the
16 financial value in the legal entity is between $1,000.00 and
17 $49,999.99 or $50,000.00 and more.
18 (xiv) A description of all contracts entered into, or in which
19 the candidate for office or the immediate family member of the
20 candidate for office has an interest, with this state.
21 (xv) A description of any employment that the candidate for
22 office or the immediate family member of the candidate for office
23 had with this state at any time during the reporting period. For
24 purposes of this subparagraph, if the candidate for office or the
25 immediate family member of the candidate for office was employed by
26 this state, the name of the state agency or department and a
27 description of the position with the state agency or department
28 must be included.
29 (xvi) A description of any transfers made by the candidate for
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1 office of real property or securities from the candidate for
2 office's name into the name of an immediate family member of the
3 candidate for office over the previous 2 calendar years that have a
4 value of $50,000.00 or more.
5 (b) Beginning January 1, 2028, the following information
6 regarding the spouse of the candidate for office during the
7 reporting period:
8 (i) The name of the spouse of the candidate for office.
9 (ii) The principal activity of the spouse of the candidate for
10 office, if the spouse's total earned income from the employer
11 equals $50,000.00 or more during that reporting period.
12 (iii) The source and type of all income, including earned and
13 unearned income received by the spouse of the candidate for office.
14 For purposes of this subparagraph, the spouse of the candidate for
15 office is required to include the source of income described under
16 this subparagraph only if the total income from that source equals
17 $50,000.00 or more during that reporting period.
18 (iv) A description of each real property or property that the
19 spouse of the candidate for office has an ownership interest in,
20 including, but not limited to, commercial, industrial, or
21 agricultural buildings. For purposes of this subparagraph, the
22 spouse of the candidate for office is required to include a real
23 property or property described under this subparagraph in the
24 report only if the real property or property had a fair market
25 value of $50,000.00 or more at any time the real property was held
26 during that reporting period. The street number of a parcel of real
27 property listed under this subparagraph may be excluded from the
28 report.
29 (v) A description of any stocks, bonds, commodities, futures,
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1 shares in mutual funds, or other forms of securities held by the
2 spouse of the candidate for office. For purposes of this
3 subparagraph, the spouse of the candidate for office is required to
4 include a security described under this subparagraph in the report
5 only if the security has a total aggregate fair market value of
6 $50,000.00 or more on a specified day that is within the final
7 month of the calendar year covered in the reporting period.
8 (vi) A description of any interest the spouse of the candidate
9 for office had during the reporting period in a legal entity that
10 conducts business in this state, if the interest has a book value
11 of $50,000.00 or more.
12 (c) Beginning January 1, 2028, the following information
13 regarding a dependent of the candidate for office during the
14 reporting period; for purposes of this subdivision, the candidate
15 for office may refer to each dependent using the dependent's first
16 and last initial:
17 (i) The number of dependents that the candidate for office and
18 the spouse of the candidate for office claim for federal income tax
19 purposes.
20 (ii) The principal activity of each employer of each dependent
21 of the candidate for office, if the dependent's total earned income
22 from the employer equals $50,000.00 or more during the reporting
23 period.
24 (iii) The source and type of all income, including earned and
25 unearned income received by each dependent of the candidate for
26 office, if the source of income described under this subparagraph
27 equals $50,000.00 or more during that reporting period.
28 (iv) A description of each real property or property that each
29 dependent of the candidate for office has an ownership interest in,
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1 including, but not limited to, commercial, industrial, or
2 agricultural buildings. For purposes of this subparagraph, the
3 dependent is required to include a real property or property
4 described under this subsection only if the real property or
5 property had a fair market value of $50,000.00 or more at any time
6 that the real property or property was held during that reporting
7 period. The street number of a parcel of real property or property
8 listed under this subparagraph may be excluded from the report.
9 (v) A description of any stocks, bonds, commodities, futures,
10 shares in mutual funds, or other forms of securities held by each
11 dependent of the candidate for office. For purposes of this
12 subparagraph, each dependent of the candidate for office is
13 required to include a security described under this subparagraph in
14 the report only if the security has a total aggregate fair market
15 value of $50,000.00 or more on a specified day that is within the
16 final month of the calendar year covered in the reporting period.
17 (vi) A description of any interest each dependent of the
18 candidate for office had during the reporting period in a legal
19 entity that conducts business in this state, if the interest has a
20 book value of $50,000.00 or more.
21 (2) Subject to subsection (4), information a candidate for
22 office is required to report under this section includes
23 information with respect to the income from a trust or other
24 financial arrangement from which income is received by, or with
25 respect t