Legislative Analysis
Phone: (517) 373-8080
House Bill 4568 as reported from committee Analysis available at
Sponsor: Rep. Karen Whitsett http://www.legislature.mi.gov
Committee: Elections
Revised 8-15-23
(Enacted as Public Act 185 of 2023)
House Bill 4568 would eliminate the Michigan Election Law’s prohibition on hiring
transportation to bring voters to a polling place.
Currently, it is illegal under the Michigan Election Law to hire a motor vehicle to transport
voters to an election, unless the voters are physically unable to walk. (There is no prohibition
on drivers who volunteer their services.) Violations are a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90
days’ imprisonment, a fine of up to $500, or both.
MCL 168.931
House Bill 4568 would have an indeterminate fiscal impact on local units of government.
Under the bill, hiring a motor vehicle to transport voters to an election would no longer be a
misdemeanor offense. The bill would reduce both costs to local county jails and penal fine
revenue going to public and county law libraries. However, because the costs of incarceration
in a local county jail vary by jurisdiction, and the number of individuals who would no longer
be charged with the eliminated misdemeanor offense is not known, the exact savings to locals
cannot be determined and there is no practical way to estimate the revenue that would be lost
by public and county law libraries.
Representatives of the following entities testified in support of the bill:
• City of Ann Arbor (5-23-23)
• City of Lansing (5-23-23)
• Pride at Work Michigan (6-6-23)
• Promote the Vote (5-23-23)
• Voters Not Politicians (5-23-23)
The following entities indicated support for the bill:
• Department of State (5-23-23)
• American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan (5-23-23)
• Anti-Defamation League Michigan (5-23-23)
• Campaign Legal Center (5-23-23)
• Common Cause Michigan (6-6-23)
• Disability Rights Michigan (5-23-23)
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• League of Women Voters of Michigan (5-23-23)
• Michigan Democratic Party (6-6-23)
• Michigan League of Conservation Voters (6-6-23)
• NextGen America (6-6-23)
• Protect Democracy (5-23-23)
• Secure Democracy (5-23-23)
• Uber (6-6-23)
Pure Integrity for Michigan Elections indicated a neutral position on the bill. (6-6-23)
Heritage Action for America indicated opposition to the bill. (5-23-23).
Legislative Analyst: Holly Kuhn
Fiscal Analysts: Robin Risko
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency staff for use by House members in their
deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.
House Fiscal Agency HB 4568 as reported Page 2 of 2

Statutes affected:
House Introduced Bill: 168.931
As Passed by the House: 168.931
As Passed by the Senate: 168.931
House Concurred Bill: 168.931
Public Act: 168.931
House Enrolled Bill: 168.931