house resolution no.330

Reps. Rogers, O'Neal, Morse, Bezotte, Glanville, Beeler, Mueller, Markkanen, Eisen, LaFave, Roth, Sabo, Tate, Haadsma, Steckloff, Scott, Brixie, Cavanagh, Hood, Brabec, Brenda Carter, Coleman, Cambensy, Pepper, Brann, Puri, Tyrone Carter, Clemente, Young, Hertel, Weiss, Neeley and Anthony offered the following resolution:

A resolution to urge the United States Food and Drug Administration to facilitate FDA approved research on hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Whereas, Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the signature wounds of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, affect an estimated 877,450 veterans. Both conditions are significant health issues and can lead to increased suicide rates and opioid use among veterans; and

Whereas, Michigan has a veteran population of 567,919. Of these veterans, it is estimated that 24,201 suffer from Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been proven safe and effective to treat these conditions; and

Whereas, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is already approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat a variety of conditions much like these brain wounds, including non-healing wounds, crush injuries, compartment syndrome, air emboli, burns, burns, severe skin and bone infections, and radiation injury, among others; and

Whereas, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has shown promising results for veterans. Since 2007, over 750 patients have been successfully treated for these conditions with hyperbaric oxygen therapy in neurological studies and trials, and over 10,000 veterans and citizens have been successfully treated in private clinics to heal brain wounds that the VA and DOD have been unable to heal. In these studies, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was shown to repair brain tissue, improve quality of life of patients, and reduce suicidal ideation, which will then help military families and communities; and

Whereas, It is predicted that treating brain wounds will have a positive economic impact and ensure that our veterans have access to care that addresses the entirety of their needs. Over 109,000 veteran suicides have occurred since September 11, 2001, and the suicide rate has increased for nearly fifteen years; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we urge the United States Food and Drug Administration to facilitate FDA approved research on hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration.