SB0028: SUMMARY AS ENACTED (Date Completed: 7-22-21) - FY 2020-21 SUPPLEMENTAL

FY 2020-21 SUPPLEMENTAL                                                                                                                                                       S.B. 28:

                                                                                                                                                                                        SUMMARY AS ENACTED









Senate Bill 28 (as enacted)                                                                                                           PUBLIC ACT 65 of 2021

Sponsor:   Senator Jim Stamas

Senate Committee:   Appropriations

House Committee:   Appropriations


Date Completed:   7-22-21




The substitute for the supplemental appropriates $25.0 million Gross and GF/GP to the Department of Insurance and Financial Services to create a post-acute auto injury provider relief fund within the Department of Treasury.


Table 1

Budget Area



Insurance & Financial Services









The bill provides fiscal year (FY) 2020-21 line-item appropriations of $25.0 million Gross and GF/GP to create a fund that would provide financial support to providers of services for individuals injured in vehicular accidents to the extent that said providers can demonstrate financial losses for certain services to such individuals under certain circumstances. Table 2 summarizes the details of the appropriations in the supplemental.




Sec. 201. General. Records amount of total State spending and payments to local units of government.


Sec. 202. General. Subjects appropriations and expenditures in the article to the provisions of the Management and Budget Act.


Sec. 203. General. Directs that, if the State Administrative Board transfers funds appropriated in the Act, the Legislature may, by concurrent resolution requiring a majority vote in each chamber, transfer funds within a particular department, board, commission, officer, or institution.


Sec. 301. Insurance and Financial Services. Creates the Post-Acute Auto Injury Provider Relief fund within the Department of Treasury and directs that $25.0 million be deposited in that fund. Limits the amount of the fund that may be used for administrative exp