In Senate__________
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Joint Rules of the 131st Legislature are the
Joint Rules of the 132nd Legislature, except for the following changes.
Joint Rule 202 is amended by striking out all of the first paragraph and inserting in its place
the following:
All requests for bills and resolves submitted by Legislators for a first regular session must
be submitted in complete form, as provided in Joint Rule 208, to the Revisor of Statutes by
4:00 p.m. on January 10, 2025.
Joint Rule 301 is amended by amending the 2nd indented paragraph to read:
There are established 17 joint standing committees, which must be appointed at the
commencement of the first regular session and which exercise jurisdiction in the following
Agriculture, conservation and forestry
Appropriations and financial affairs
Criminal justice and public safety
Education and cultural affairs
Energy, utilities and technology
Environment and natural resources
Health and human services
Health coverage, insurance and financial services
Housing and economic development
Inland fisheries and wildlife
Innovation, development, economic advancement and business
Labor and housing
Marine resources
State and local government
Veterans and legal affairs
SPONSORED BY: ___________________________________
(Senator PIERCE, T.)
COUNTY: Cumberland
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