This bill establishes a grant program in the Department of Education to increase postsecondary educational opportunities and support employability for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities or autism spectrum disorder. Under the grant program, the department awards competitive grants to institutions of higher education to develop and implement pilot programs that offer students with intellectual or developmental disabilities or autism spectrum disorder, to the greatest extent possible, the same rights, privileges, experiences, benefits and outcomes in a postsecondary education as students without disabilities. The bill requires that, in order to receive funding under the grant program, pilot programs developed by institutions of higher education meet the requirements of a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program under the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act so that students enrolled in the pilot program may be eligible for certain federal grants and work-study programs. The bill requires institutions of higher education to use 25% of the funds received through the grant program for scholarships for students participating in the pilot program. Finally, the bill requires institutions of higher education to make periodic reports to the department concerning the progress and sustainability of its pilot program and requires the department to annually report to the Legislature the effectiveness of the grant program.