APRIL 18, 2022 160
H.P. 629 - L.D. 861
Resolve, Concerning Training and Assessments Related to Protection from
Substantial Threats
Sec. 1. Training. Resolved: That the Department of Public Safety shall develop
and conduct training programs on the protection from substantial threats process in the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 34-B, section 3862-A, referred to in this resolve as "the
temporary weapons removal process," which includes temporary weapons removal
1. In 2022, the Department of Public Safety shall conduct one mandatory training
program for all law enforcement officers on the temporary weapons removal process. In
2023 and 2024, the department shall conduct at least one voluntary training program for
law enforcement officers on the temporary weapons removal process per year.
2. The Department of Public Safety shall offer the training programs on the temporary
weapons removal process under this section as determined necessary by the department to:
A. Hospitals;
B. Behavioral health agencies;
C. Assertive community treatment teams pursuant to Title 34-B, section 3801,
subsection 11;
D. All providers, including telehealth services providers contracted by the State,
conducting temporary weapons removal assessments;
E. District attorneys; and
F. Representatives of the judicial branch.
3. The Department of Public Safety shall invite the participation of a statewide
association of hospitals, individual hospitals and service providers, including telehealth
services providers contracted by the State, to collaboratively develop materials for the
training programs under this section.
Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That, beginning March 1, 2023 and each March 1st until
March 1, 2026, the Department of Public Safety shall report to the joint standing committee
of the Legislature having jurisdiction over judiciary matters on the following:
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1. Participation in the training programs under section 1;
2. Materials for the training programs under section 1;
3. Identification of telehealth services providers contracted by the State and credentials
of all providers conducting temporary weapons removal assessments; and
4. The number of temporary weapons removal assessments conducted per month,
A. The number of temporary weapons removal assessments conducted in person,
including the locations;
B. The number of temporary weapons removal assessments conducted by telehealth
services providers contracted by the State, and the locations where the persons being
assessed were located during the temporary weapons removal assessments;
C. The number of temporary weapons removal assessments that recommended
temporary weapons removal;
D. For recommended temporary weapons removals, whether the removals were based
on the person's being assessed as:
(1) Predominantly a threat to self;
(2) Predominantly a threat to others; or
(3) A threat to both self and others; and
E. The number of temporary weapons removal assessments that were requested by law
enforcement officers but not conducted and the reasons they were not conducted.
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