JUNE 8, 2021 23
H.P. 349 - L.D. 475
Resolve, To Create the Frequent Users System Engagement Collaborative
Emergency preamble. Whereas, acts and resolves of the Legislature do not
become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies; and
Whereas, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated homelessness for the most
frequent users of high-cost services, such as psychiatric hospitals, emergency shelters,
emergency rooms, police, jails and prisons; and
Whereas, this legislation establishes the Frequent Users System Engagement
Collaborative, which will develop a plan to provide stable housing and community services
to 200 persons who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and who are frequent users of
high-cost services; and
Whereas, establishing this collaborative as soon as possible will help to put the stable
housing and community services plan in place earlier; and
Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create an emergency within
the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as
immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,
therefore, be it
Sec. 1. Frequent Users System Engagement Collaborative established.
Resolved: That the Frequent Users System Engagement Collaborative, referred to in this
resolve as "the collaborative," is established.
Sec. 2. Membership. Resolved: That the collaborative consists of the director of
the Maine State Housing Authority or the director's designee, who shall serve as chair, and
other members appointed by the director as follows:
1. The Commissioner of Health and Human Services or the commissioner's designee;
2. The Commissioner of Corrections or the commissioner's designee;
3. One member representing the Statewide Homeless Council;
4. One member representing the Maine Sheriffs' Association;
5. One member representing providers of emergency health services;
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6. One member representing municipal officers;
7. One member representing a psychiatric hospital;
8. One member representing providers of community-based behavioral health
services; and
9. Any other members with relevant expertise as determined by the director and the
In appointing members to the collaborative, the director shall ensure that the members
represent a wide geographic area of the State.
Sec. 3. Duties. Resolved: That the collaborative shall develop a plan to provide
stable housing and community services to 200 persons who are homeless or at risk of
homelessness who are the most frequent consumers of high-cost services, such as
psychiatric hospitals, emergency shelters, emergency rooms, police, jails and prisons.
Sec. 4. Report. Resolved: That, no later than January 1, 2022, the collaborative
shall submit a report to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services. The
report must include the collaborative's plan to provide stable housing and community
services developed pursuant to section 3, including the cost savings that could be achieved
by reductions in the use of high-cost services and any recommendations developed by the
collaborative on providing stable housing and community services to persons consuming
high-cost services. The Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services may
report out legislation to the Second Regular Session of the 130th Legislature related to the
Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble, this legislation
takes effect when approved.
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