Altering the purpose and contents of and the requirements and qualifications under the Urban Agriculture Grant Fund; requiring the Governor, in each of fiscal years 2025 through 2029, to include at least $100,000 for the Fund in the annual budget bill; establishing the Urban Agriculture Advisory Committee to recommend guidelines, policies, and practices for the implementation of the Grant Program; and requiring the Advisory Committee to report to certain committees of the General Assembly by December 30, 2023.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Department of Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Grant Fund: 2-2001 Agriculture, 2-2002 Agriculture, 2-2003 Agriculture, 2-2004 Agriculture
Text - Third - Department of Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Grant Programs - Alterations: 2-2001 Agriculture, 2-2002 Agriculture, 2-2003 Agriculture, 2-2004 Agriculture, 22-101 Agriculture, 22-102 Agriculture