Repealing the prohibition against a tenant who is seeking to redeem or extinguish ground rent providing certain documentation and payments to the State Department of Assessments and Taxation earlier than 90 days after an application for redemption or extinguishment has been posted on the Department's website.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Residential Ground Leases - Redemption and Extinguishment - Requirements: 8-801 Real Property, 8-804 Real Property, 1-203 Real Property, 2-117 Real Property, 8-806 Real Property, 1-203 Real Property, 1-203.3 Real Property
Text - Third - Residential Ground Leases - Redemption and Extinguishment - Requirements: 8-801 Real Property, 8-804 Real Property, 1-203 Real Property, 2-117 Real Property, 8-806 Real Property, 1-203 Real Property, 1-203.3 Real Property