SB 804
Department of Legislative Services
Maryland General Assembly
2021 Session
Third Reader
Senate Bill 804 (Senator Edwards)
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Health and Government Operations
Garrett County - Memorial Hospital - Board Membership and Meetings
This bill decreases, from 15 to 9, the total number of members of the Garrett County
Memorial Hospital Board of Governors. The bill also modifies the terms of office of
at-large members and reduces the number of required annual board meetings.
Fiscal Summary
State Effect: None.
Local Effect: The bill has no material effect on Garrett County operations or finances.
Small Business Effect: None.
Bill Summary: The bill reduces, from seven to four, the number of at-large board
members, and reduces, from five to three, the number of affirmative votes required to elect
an at-large board member. The terms of at-large board members are staggered under the
bill so that two are elected one year and the remaining two at-large members are elected
the following year. In addition, the bill eliminates the three board members representing
county residents that are appointed by the Garrett County Commissioners. Also under the
bill, the number of times the board must meet is reduced from at least 10 times annually to
at least 6 times annually.
Current Law: Garrett County Memorial Hospital is operated by a 15-member Board of
Governors comprising 3 county commissioners (or their designees), 3 residents of
Garrett County appointed by the county commissioners, the President of the Oakland Town
Council (or the president’s designee), 1 member of the hospital medical staff, and 7 at-large
members. The medical staff member of the board is elected by the medical staff and subject
to approval by majority vote of the board. At-large members are selected for their talents,
abilities, and interest in the affairs of the hospital. Selection of an at-large member requires
a majority of the qualified votes of the board. The election of an at-large member requires
at least five affirmative votes. The length of terms for members of the board are generally
two years or, in the case of the county commissioners and the President of the
Oakland Town Council, coextensive with their respective terms of office. The terms of
at-large members are staggered so that 3 at-large members are elected one year and the
remaining 4 at-large members are elected the following year. There are no term limits. The
board is required to meet at least 10 times a year.
Garrett County Memorial Hospital
Garrett County Memorial Hospital was established in 1950 and has evolved into an
accredited acute care facility in Oakland, Maryland. In 2015, the hospital became affiliated
with West Virginia University Medicine and officially became the Garrett Regional
Medical Center. The new affiliation allowed the hospital to expand services that are unique
to a rural location. Today, the hospital includes 55 inpatient beds, a 4-bed intensive care
unit, a 10-bed subacute rehabilitation unit, family centered maternity suite, a 13-bed
outpatient surgical unit with a 4-bed surgical suite, and 24/7 emergency services. The
hospital is one of the largest employers in Garrett County with more than 500 team
Additional Information
Prior Introductions: None.
Designated Cross File: HB 1127 (Delegate Beitzel) - Health and Government Operations.
Information Source(s): Garrett County; Garrett Regional Medical Center; Department of
Legislative Services
Fiscal Note History: First Reader - March 1, 2021
md/tso Third Reader - March 17, 2021
Analysis by: Arnold Adja Direct Inquiries to:
(410) 946-5510
(301) 970-5510
SB 804/ Page 2