SB 744
Department of Legislative Services
Maryland General Assembly
2021 Session
Third Reader
Senate Bill 744 (Senator Eckardt)
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Health and Government Operations
State Board of Nursing - Certified Nursing Assistant Advisory Committee -
Membership and Meetings
This bill alters membership and meeting requirements for the State Board of Nursing
(BON) Certified Nursing Assistant Advisory Committee. Specifically, the bill (1) clarifies
that BON must appoint an alternate for each of the six nursing assistant members;
(2) specifies additional requirements for advisory committee members; (3) specifies the
terms of members; (4) requires the board to fill any vacancy within 60 days; (5) requires
the advisory committee to meet at the request of the executive director; and (6) defines a
quorum as the majority of the full membership of the advisory committee.
Fiscal Summary
State Effect: None. The changes are procedural in nature and does not directly affect
governmental finances.
Local Effect: None.
Small Business Effect: None.
Bill Summary/Current Law: BON’s Certified Nursing Assistant Advisory Committee
is responsible for (1) evaluating training programs and making recommendations for
approval by BON; (2) developing and recommending regulations to enforce laws
applicable to nursing assistants and medication technicians; (3) evaluating candidates and
recommending action to BON; (4) reviewing investigations of complaints against nursing
assistants or medication technicians and making recommendations to BON for disciplinary
action; (5) keeping records of its proceedings; and (6) submitting an annual report to BON.
The committee comprises 15 members: 6 nursing assistants; 3 registered nurses;
1 administrator from a licensed health care facility; 1 licensed practical nurse; 1 individual
who teaches a nursing assistant course; 1 consumer member; 1 representative of the
Maryland Department of Health; and 1 certified medication technician.
The board must appoint an alternate for each of the three nursing assistant members
(although there are six nursing assistant members) in the event that the member is unable
to discharge the duties of the committee. BON may remove a member for incompetence or
misconduct or if the member is absent from two successive committee meetings without
adequate reason. A term on the committee is four years. The committee must meet at least
once a month.
The bill clarifies that the board must appoint an alternate for each of the six nursing assistant
members and specifies that each member of the advisory committee must (1) be a
U.S. citizen; (2) be a Maryland resident; and (3) have practiced in their health occupation
for at least five years immediately preceding their appointment. The bill also specifies the
terms of members. A member who is appointed after a term has begun serves only for the
rest of the term and until a successor is appointed and qualifies, rather than one additional
full term. At the end of a term, a member continues to serve until a successor is appointed
and qualifies. A member may not serve more than two consecutive full terms.
Additional Information
Prior Introductions: None.
Designated Cross File: None.
Information Source(s): Maryland Department of Health; Department of Legislative
Fiscal Note History: First Reader - March 1, 2021
rh/jc Third Reader - March 17, 2021
Analysis by: Amberly Holcomb Direct Inquiries to:
(410) 946-5510
(301) 970-5510
SB 744/ Page 2