SB 694
Department of Legislative Services
Maryland General Assembly
2021 Session
Third Reader
Senate Bill 694 (Senator Young)
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Economic Matters
Frederick County – Barbershop and Beauty Salon Beer and Wine Licenses –
This bill increases, from 5 ounces to 12 ounces, the maximum amount of beer the holder
of a barbershop or a beauty salon beer and wine license in Frederick County may provide
to a customer for on-premises consumption. The bill takes effect July 1, 2021.
Fiscal Summary
State Effect: None.
Local Effect: None.
Small Business Effect: Minimal.
Current Law: There are barbershop and beauty salon beer and wine licenses in
Frederick County. The Frederick County Board of License Commissioners is authorized to
issue these licenses to holders of specified barbershop or beauty salon permits. The licensee
may provide up to five ounces of beer or wine to specified customers for on-premises
consumption during normal business hours through 9:00 p.m. Beer or wine may be served
when the customer is being provided with specified services or while the customer is
attending a fund-raising event at the licensed premises, as specified. The licenses may not be
transferred to another location and are subject to alcohol awareness training requirements as
specified in State law. The annual license fee for both licenses is $100.
Additional Information
Prior Introductions: None.
Designated Cross File: HB 1270 (Frederick County Delegation) - Economic Matters.
Information Source(s): Frederick County; Department of Legislative Services
Fiscal Note History: First Reader - February 15, 2021
rh/tso Third Reader - March 19, 2021
Analysis by: Hillary J. Cleckler Direct Inquiries to:
(410) 946-5510
(301) 970-5510
SB 694/ Page 2

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Frederick County – Barbershop and Beauty Salon Beer and Wine Licenses – Alterations: 20-102 Alcoholic Beverages, 20-1001.3 Alcoholic Beverages, 4-501 Alcoholic Beverages, 20-1002 Alcoholic Beverages, 5-501 Alcoholic Beverages, 5-101 Alcoholic Beverages
Text - Third - Frederick County – Barbershop and Beauty Salon Beer and Wine Licenses – Alterations: 20-102 Alcoholic Beverages, 20-1001.3 Alcoholic Beverages, 4-501 Alcoholic Beverages, 20-1002 Alcoholic Beverages, 5-501 Alcoholic Beverages, 5-101 Alcoholic Beverages