HB 53
Department of Legislative Services
Maryland General Assembly
2021 Session
First Reader
House Bill 53 (Delegate Ivey, et al.)
Ways and Means and Judiciary
Election Law - Voting Rights - Imprisoned Felons
This bill repeals the State law provision that establishes that an individual is not qualified
to be a registered voter if the individual has been convicted of a felony and is currently
serving a court-ordered sentence of imprisonment for the conviction. The bill also repeals
the corresponding prohibition against such a person voting or attempting to vote during the
time that they are rendered ineligible.
Fiscal Summary
State Effect: The bill is not expected to materially affect State finances.
Local Effect: The bill is not expected to materially affect local government finances.
Small Business Effect: None.
Current Law: Under State law, with certain exceptions, an individual may register to vote
if the individual is a citizen of the United States, is at least age 16, and is a resident of the
State as of the day the individual seeks to register. A person who has been convicted of a
felony and is currently serving a court-ordered sentence of imprisonment for the conviction
is not qualified to be a registered voter.
A person who has been convicted of a felony and is currently serving a court-ordered
sentence of imprisonment for the conviction, and has been rendered ineligible to vote
pursuant to State voter registration qualification provisions, may not vote or attempt to vote
during the time that the person is rendered ineligible to vote. A person who violates that
prohibition is guilty of a felony and subject to imprisonment for at least one year and up to
five years.
Additional Information
Prior Introductions: None.
Designated Cross File: None.
Information Source(s): State Board of Elections; Judiciary (Administrative Office of the
Courts); Department of Human Services; Department of Public Safety and Correctional
Services; Maryland Department of Transportation; Health Benefit Exchange; Department
of Legislative Services
Fiscal Note History: First Reader - January 25, 2021
Analysis by: Scott D. Kennedy Direct Inquiries to:
(410) 946-5510
(301) 970-5510
HB 53/ Page 2

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Election Law - Voting Rights - Imprisoned Felons: 3-102 Election Law, 3-504 Election Law