SB 20
Department of Legislative Services
Maryland General Assembly
2021 Session
Third Reader - Revised
Senate Bill 20 (Senator Carter)
Judicial Proceedings Environment and Transportation
Vehicle Laws - Canceled, Revoked, and Suspended Driver's Licenses - Penalties
This bill generally eliminates imprisonment as a possible penalty for a person convicted of
displaying (or causing to be displayed) a canceled, revoked, or suspended license. The bill
also reduces the points assessed (from 12 to 3) for these violations.
Fiscal Summary
State Effect: General fund expenditures may decrease minimally from fewer people being
imprisoned under the bill. Revenues are likely not materially affected.
Local Effect: Local government expenditures may decrease minimally beginning in
FY 2022 due to fewer people being imprisoned in local detention facilities under the bill.
Revenues are not affected.
Small Business Effect: Minimal.
Bill Summary/Current Law: Exhibit 1 shows how the bill affects points assessed, the
maximum fine, and the term of imprisonment for the violations addressed by the bill.
Under current law, a person may not display (or cause or permit to be displayed) any
canceled, revoked, or suspended license. A person convicted of any of those violations is
subject to imprisonment for up to two months and/or a fine of up to $500. (Consequently,
for each violation, the person must appear in court and may not prepay the fine.) In
addition, if convicted of any of those violations, 12 points are assessed against the
individual’s driver’s license.
Exhibit 1
Penalties, Fines, and Imprisonment for Convictions of
Displaying any Canceled, Revoked, or Suspended License
Current Law vs. the Bill
Points Maximum Maximum Term of
Assessed Under Fine Under Imprisonment Under
Current Law The Bill Current Law The Bill Current Law The Bill
12 3 $500 $500 2 months None
Source: Department of Legislative Services
Under the bill, however, a person convicted of any of those offenses is no longer subject
to imprisonment and has 3, rather than 12, points assessed against the person’s license. The
maximum fine remains $500, and the person no longer needs to appear in court.
The bill also clarifies that, for certain violations related to driving with a suspended license,
a person charged with a violation (rather than convicted of a violation) must appear in court
and may not prepay the fine.
State Expenditures: General fund expenditures may decrease minimally beginning in
fiscal 2022 due to people no longer being committed to State correctional facilities for
convictions in Baltimore City. The number of people currently imprisoned for the
violations addressed by the bill cannot be determined but is assumed to be minimal.
Generally, persons serving a sentence of one year or less in a jurisdiction other than
Baltimore City are sentenced to a local detention facility. The Baltimore Pretrial Complex,
a State-operated facility, is used primarily for pretrial detentions.
Local Expenditures: Expenditures may decrease minimally as a result of the bill’s
removal of the incarceration penalty for displaying a canceled, revoked, or suspended
license. Counties pay the full cost of incarceration for people in their facilities for the first
12 months of the sentence. Per diem operating costs of local detention facilities have
ranged from approximately $40 to $170 per inmate in recent years.
SB 20/ Page 2
Additional Information
Prior Introductions: None.
Designated Cross File: HB 115 (Delegate Moon) - Environment and Transportation.
Information Source(s): Judiciary (Administrative Office of the Courts); Department of
State Police; Maryland Department of Transportation; Department of Legislative Services
Fiscal Note History: First Reader - January 20, 2021
rh/ljm Third Reader - March 29, 2021
Revised - Amendment(s) - March 29, 2021
Revised - Clarification - March 29, 2021
Analysis by: Eric F. Pierce Direct Inquiries to:
(410) 946-5510
(301) 970-5510
SB 20/ Page 3

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Vehicle Laws - Canceled, Revoked, and Suspended Driver's Licenses - Penalties: 16-301 Transportation, 16-303 Transportation, 16-402 Transportation, 2-209 Transportation, 16-804 Transportation, 16-301 Transportation
Text - Third - Vehicle Laws - Canceled, Revoked, and Suspended Driver's Licenses - Penalties: 16-301 Transportation, 16-303 Transportation, 16-402 Transportation, 2-209 Transportation, 16-302 Transportation, 16-301 Transportation