The House Concurrent Resolution No. by Representative Orgeron establishes a Clean Hydrogen Task Force in Louisiana to study and provide recommendations for the growth of the clean hydrogen industry within the state. This initiative recognizes Louisiana's historical role as a leading energy producer and its potential to become a regional and global leader in clean hydrogen production, transport, storage, and use. The task force will consist of various stakeholders, including members from the state legislature, the Department of Energy and Natural Resources, the Department of Environmental Quality, the Department of Economic Development, and representatives from the clean hydrogen industry and higher education. The task force is tasked with meeting quarterly and developing a comprehensive plan by December 1, 2025, to enhance Louisiana's clean hydrogen economy.

The resolution outlines specific areas for the task force to research, including the assessment of the clean hydrogen economy, transparency in production and infrastructure, review of active projects, and recommendations for policy strategies to accelerate clean hydrogen production and use. The task force will also evaluate emissions sources in Louisiana and explore opportunities for clean hydrogen to decarbonize various sectors of the economy. A progress report is due by March 1, 2025, and upon completion of the final recommendations, the task force will be disbanded. The resolution emphasizes the importance of clean hydrogen in job creation, economic diversification, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Louisiana.