Abstract: Provides relative to cosmetology.
Present law provides for the powers and duties of the La. State Bd. of Cosmetology (board).
Proposed law retains present law and requires the board to create and maintain a website that allows
applicants to apply, pay fees, and see their current status for cosmetology licensure.
Present law provides for definitions.
Proposed law adds definitions for "hair design" and "hair designer"
Present law provides for the qualifications for a registered cosmetologist, esthetician, or manicurist.
Proposed law adds the qualifications for a hair designer.
Present law provides that any person who possesses a license or certificate of registration to practice
as a cosmetologist, esthetician, or manicurist from another state or from a foreign country has to
satisfactorily pass the appropriate examination conducted by the board to determine his fitness to
receive the certificate of registration.
Proposed law changes present law and instead requires that the person pass the national interstate
council of state boards of cosmetology, or NIC, written and practical examinations.
Present law requires and outlines courses for cosmetologists, aestheticians, and manicurists.
Proposed law adds a course requirement and outline for hair design.
(Amends R.S. 37:582 and 586(A)(1) and (2)); Adds R.S. 37:563(18) and (19), 575(A)(18), and
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The House Floor Amendments to the engrossed bill:
1. Make technical changes.
2. Add the definitions of "hair design" and "hair designer".
3. Add qualifications for hair design.
4. Replace the board exam required for a person who possesses a license or certificate of
registration to practice as a cosmetologist, esthetician, or manicurist from another state
or from a foreign country with the national interstate council of state boards of
cosmetology, or NIC, examinations. Add that proposed law also provides to hair
5. Add an examination for hair design to be given at least twice monthly.
6. Require and outline a course for hair design.

Statutes affected:
HB930 Original: 37:595(B)(1)
HB930 Engrossed: 37:595(B)(1)
HB930 Reengrossed: 37:586(A)(1)