This bill amends various sections of Louisiana law to rename the "Crime Victims Services Bureau" to "Louisiana Victim Outreach" within the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. The changes affect multiple statutes, including R.S. 15:570, 574, and 574.4, as well as R.S. 46:1844 and 2162, and Children's Code Article 725.4. The amendments ensure that notifications regarding executions, parole considerations, and victim rights are directed to the newly named bureau, thereby streamlining communication and services for crime victims and their families.

In addition to the renaming, the bill emphasizes the importance of notifying victims and their families about significant events such as executions and parole hearings. It mandates that reasonable efforts be made to contact victims or their surviving family members, ensuring they are informed and have the opportunity to participate in the process. The bill also outlines the responsibilities of law enforcement in notifying the Louisiana Victim Outreach when a child may be eligible for special services, thereby enhancing support for victims of crime and human trafficking.

Statutes affected:
HB901 Original: 15:570(E)(1), 15:574(B)(2), 15:4(B)(1), 46:1844(A)(2), 46:2162(A)(1)
HB901 Engrossed: 15:570(E)(1), 15:574(B)(2), 15:4(B)(1), 46:1844(A)(2), 46:2162(A)(1)
HB901 Enrolled: 15:570(E)(1), 15:574(B)(2), 15:4(B)(1), 46:1844(A)(2), 46:2162(A)(1)
HB901 Act : 15:570(E)(1), 15:574(B)(2), 15:4(B)(1), 46:1844(A)(2), 46:2162(A)(1)