Abstract: Provides for the La. Governor's Mansion Advisory Commission membership and duties
and provides an exception for public records and meetings of the committee.
Present law provides for the La. Governor's Mansion Commission (commission) as an agency in the
office of the governor, for the protection and enhancement of the governor's mansion, its contents,
furnishings, and grounds to ensure a continuum in the appearance, the preservation of contents,
furnishings, and surrounding areas of the governor's mansion consistent with the historical
significance and importance of the governor's mansion.
Proposed law renames the commission the La. Governor's Mansion Advisory Commission and limits
the role of the commission so as to limit its authority to making recommendations within the scope
of its stated purpose.
Present law grants the commission jurisdiction over the public and private areas of the governor's
mansion and grounds and defines the public areas as the first floor, the stairwell in the rotunda, the
state wing of the second floor, and all grounds in front and on each side of the mansion.
Proposed law limits the commission's jurisdiction to public areas only and excludes the state wing
of the second floor as a public area.
Present law provides for the membership of the commission as follows:
(1) If the governor is married, the governor's spouse or the spouse's designee; if the governor is
unmarried, the governor or his designee.
(2) A person appointed by the person serving pursuant to (1).
(3) The person employed at the governor's mansion in the position known as the executive
residence director. Proposed law instead provides for the chief of staff of the governor's
spouse or, if the governor is unmarried, the executive residence director.
(4) A member of a former governor's family appointed by the governor.
(5) Three members appointed by the governor after consultation with staff employed at the
governor's mansion. Proposed law removes the requirement that the governor consult with
staff employed at the mansion prior to appointment of the three members.
Present law provides for the appointed members of the commission to serve staggered 5-year terms.
Proposed law instead provides for the appointed members to serve at the pleasure of the appointing
Present law provides that no improvement, renovation, redecoration, or enhancement of the public
or private areas and grounds of the governor's mansion shall be made without the prior approval of
the commission, including any painting, renovation, non-appliance repair, redecoration, or significant
movement of or rearrangement of furniture, artwork, antique pieces, vases, or other items in the
public areas.
Proposed law repeals present law.
Present law provides several powers and duties of the commission, including the power to enter loan
agreement for the loan of any item not owned by the state or owned by another state agency to be
housed in the governor's mansion or located on the grounds. Proposed law requires the governor's
approval to enter into such a loan agreement.
Present law requires any item that is the subject of a loan agreement to be covered by adequate
insurance through the office of risk management to insure repair or replacement and requires the
commission to participate in the state's risk management program and provide for such coverage
through the program. Proposed law instead requires the commission to provide the office of risk
management with a property inventory for the assessment of adequate insurance through the office
to insure the repair or replacement of items housed in the governor's mansion or located on its
grounds, including any item that is not owned by the state.
Present law authorizes the commission to create a program for annual audit, spot-check inventory,
and post-audit functions for the protection of all items contained in an inventory of movable
property. Proposed law instead provides for the program to apply only to items located in the
mansion owned by the state or on loan to the state housed in the governor's mansion or located on
its grounds.
Proposed law adds the following powers and duties of the commission:
(1) To make recommendations relative to improvements, renovation, redecoration, or
enhancement of the governor's mansion.
(2) To hold meetings as necessary, which shall be held at the governor's mansion.
(3) To assist and advise in the orderly transition from a governor to his successor with respect
to all matters within the jurisdiction of the commission.
Proposed law exempts meetings of the commission from the Open Meetings Law.
Proposed law exempts records of the commission from the Public Records Law.
Present law provides that the commission, either directly or through a foundation established to aid
the commission in a philanthropic manner, may solicit, accept, use, and dispose of any private or
public funds in the form of donations of money, grants, property, or personal services from
individuals, corporations, and governments to achieve the purposes of the commission subject to
rules and regulations adopted by the commission.
Proposed law repeals present law.
Effective upon signature of governor or lapse of time for gubernatorial action.
(Amends the heading of Ch. 23 of Title 25 of L.R.S. and R.S. 25:1011, 1012, 1013(A)(3) and (5) and
(B), and 1014 and R.S. 36:4(B)(36); Adds R.S. 42:17(E) and R.S. 44:4.1(B)(40); Repeals R.S.
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on House and Governmental
Affairs to the original bill:
1. Provide an effective date.

Statutes affected:
HB799 Original: 25:1013(A)(3), 36:4(B)(36)
HB799 Engrossed: 25:1013(A)(3), 36:4(B)(36)
HB799 Enrolled: 25:1013(A)(3), 36:4(B)(36)
HB799 Act : 25:1013(A)(3), 36:4(B)(36)