The bill amends and reenacts R.S. 17:392.11(B) and (C) and enacts R.S. 17:392.11(D) to enhance the screening and diagnosis process for dyslexia in students. It mandates the state Department of Education to select a dyslexia screener with a high validity score and provide it at no cost to public schools. The screener must be administered by classroom teachers to students in the latter half of kindergarten or upon request from parents or guardians. If a student is identified as at risk for dyslexia, parents or legal guardians must be notified within thirty days, and they can request a core assessment for a formal diagnosis. The bill also removes a previous provision that made the implementation of these measures contingent on legislative funding.
Additionally, the bill outlines the process for conducting core assessments, which can be administered by either the school or an approved vendor. The assessment will evaluate various aspects of a student's reading and linguistic abilities, ensuring it is comprehensive and not reliant on a single test score. The Department of Education is tasked with establishing qualifications for assessment vendors and providing reimbursement for the costs associated with these assessments. Furthermore, public school governing authorities are required to report annually on the incidence of dyslexia among students, with specific data on those identified through Section 504 Plans and Individualized Education Plans.
Statutes affected: SB336 Original: 17:11(B)
SB336 Engrossed: 17:11(B)
SB336 Reengrossed: 17:11(B)
SB336 Enrolled: 17:11(B)
SB336 Act 517: 17:11(B)