Abstract: Authorizes certain municipal officials to participate in training courses offered by
associations or groups that offer training to local government officials.
Proposed law authorizes mayors and members of the governing authorities of municipalities with
a population of 15,000 persons or less to participate in workshops and other training courses offered
by associations or groups that provide training to local government officials, which are intended to
assist the officials in carrying out their duties.
Proposed law authorizes the associations or groups provided for in proposed law to work jointly to
provide workshops, training courses, and other resources to the elected officials. Additionally
authorizes the associations or groups to offer incentives such as continuing education credits or
certificates for specialization to encourage the use of resources and attendance at workshops and
training courses.
(Adds R.S. 33:1420.31)
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Municipal, Parochial and
Cultural Affairs to the original bill:
1. Remove provisions of proposed law that require all elected officials in parishes and
municipalities to participate in training and instead authorizes mayors and municipal
governing authority members in certain municipalities to participate in such training.
2. Remove requirement that the elected officials receive training from specific
3. Remove requirement that the elected officials earn at least nine hours of training credit
4. Remove requirement that training and other resources be made available to the staff
members of the elected officials.
The House Floor Amendments to the engrossed bill:
1. Change proposed law applicability from municipalities with a population of 25,000
persons or less to municipalities with a population of 15,000 persons or less.