Abstract: Clarifies who may be identified as a psychologist.
Present law defines the term "psychologist".
Present law includes persons who represent themselves as psychologists by using any title or
description of services incorporating the words "psychology", "psychological", or "psychologist" in
the definition of "psychologist".
Proposed law removes the term "psychological" from the definition and otherwise retains present
(Amends R.S. 37:2352(9))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The House Floor Amendments to the engrossed bill:
1. Restore the term "psychology" within the present law definition of "psychologist" and
otherwise retain present law.
2. Make technical corrections.

Statutes affected:
HB598 Original: 37:2352(9)
HB598 Engrossed: 37:2352(9)
HB598 Reengrossed: 37:2352(9)