The bill amends R.S. 26:351(3)(a) concerning the sale and shipment of alcoholic beverages, specifically focusing on the container size limitations for distilled spirits. The new legal language specifies that for certain container sizes, such as 1.00 liters and 750 milliliters, the number of containers per shipping case or container must be "not more than" a specified amount, which is a change from the previous regulations.

This amendment aims to clarify and regulate the packaging of distilled spirits, ensuring compliance with the metric standard of fill. The bill reflects a legislative effort to standardize container sizes and shipping practices for alcoholic beverages in Louisiana, thereby enhancing the state's regulatory framework surrounding alcohol distribution.

Statutes affected:
HB573 Original:
HB573 Engrossed: 26:351(3)
HB573 Enrolled: 26:351(3)
HB573 Act : 26:351(3)