This bill amends existing law to require public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools to adopt policies for the administration of naloxone and other opioid antagonists, shifting from an optional to a mandatory framework. The legislation mandates that school personnel receive specific training on recognizing signs of opioid overdose, as well as the proper storage and administration of these medications, including the necessity to call emergency services during or after administration. Additionally, the bill establishes a limitation of liability for schools and personnel involved in the administration of naloxone, protecting them from civil action unless willful misconduct is proven.
Furthermore, the bill introduces provisions for the administration of other life-saving medications in schools. It allows licensed health professionals to prescribe these medications for school use, and schools may maintain a stock supply. Trained school personnel are authorized to administer these medications during medical emergencies, regardless of whether the individual has a prescription. Similar to the naloxone provisions, there is a limitation of liability for those administering life-saving medications, ensuring that schools and their employees are protected from legal repercussions unless there is evidence of willful misconduct.
Statutes affected: HB456 Original: 17:1(M)
HB456 Engrossed: 17:1(M)
HB456 Enrolled: 17:1(M)
HB456 Act : 17:1(M)