The bill enacts a new provision under R.S. 22:1053(C)(6) that specifically addresses the application of step therapy and fail first protocols for medications prescribed for postpartum depression. It establishes that when a health coverage plan restricts medications through these protocols, the prescribing practitioner must have access to a clear and convenient process to request an override of such restrictions. The override process is required to be easily accessible on the health coverage plan's website, and it must be granted expeditiously if the practitioner can demonstrate, using sound clinical evidence, that the required prescription drug is not indicated for postpartum depression according to the United States Food and Drug Administration's approved labeling.

This legislation aims to ensure that patients suffering from postpartum depression can receive timely and appropriate treatment without unnecessary barriers imposed by health coverage plans. By allowing for an override of restrictions in specific circumstances, the bill seeks to enhance access to necessary medications for those affected by this condition.

Statutes affected:
SB148 Original: 22:1053(K)