ACT 485 (HB 2) 2021 Regular Session Bishop
Provides for the capital outlay budget and program for FY 2021-2022; provides for the
funding of the capital outlays from the specified sources of monies in the specified amounts
as follows:
State General Fund (Direct) Non-Recurring Revenues $ 175,782,301
State General Fund (Direct) $ 43,731,996
Federal Funds $ 282,802,185
Federal Funds via Interagency Transfer $ 4,750,500
Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund $ 85,704,703
Natural Resources Restoration Trust Fund $ 162,035,577
Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) - Federal $ 682,920,224
Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) - Regular $ 164,556,483
Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) - Construction Subfund $ 594,333,333
Interagency Transfers $ 114,347,320
Misc. Statutory Dedications $ 35,575,000
Fees and Self-Generated Revenues $ 151,527,500
Reappropriated Cash $ 2,484,473
Interest Earnings $ 5,000,000
Capital Outlay Relief Fund $ 35,000,000
Capital Outlay Savings Fund $ 1,650,000
Revenue Bonds $ 69,890,000
TOTAL CASH PORTION $ 2,612,091,595
Authorizes the funding of certain capital outlay projects from the sale of general obligation
bonds for the projects delineated as follows:
Priority 1 $ 899,642,849
Priority 2 $ 163,580,804
Priority 5 $ 2,714,708,355
BONDS NRP $ 9,141,453
Effective upon signature of the governor (July 1, 2021).
"Please allow this letter to inform you that I have signed House Bill 2 of the 2021 Regular
Session. However, I have exercised my line item veto authority to veto 11 items.
I have exercised my line item veto authority as follows:
Veto No. 1:
Delete Lines 20-23 on Page 28 of 127:
Authorizes $1,250,000 for Energy Management System Replacement, Planning and
Construction (Acadia)
Veto No. 2:
Delete Lines 32-36 on Page 43 of 127:
Authorizes $150,000 for South Bossier Park - Construction of New Pavilions, Planning and
Construction (Bossier)
Veto No. 3:
Delete Lines 18-22 on Page 45 of 127:
Authorizes $450,000 for Labit Road Improvements, Planning and Construction (Iberia)
Veto No. 4:
Delete Lines 34-41 on Page 45 of 127:
Authorizes $1,732,400 for Riding Arena and Livestock Pavilion, Planning and Construction
Veto No. 5:
Delete Lines 19-20 on Page 48 of 127:
Authorizes $2,000,000 in State General Fund (Direct) Non-Recurring Revenues for
Woodlake Estates Drainage Improvements, Planning and Construction (Jefferson)
Veto No. 6:
Delete Lines 8-14 on Page 52 of 127:
Authorizes $300,000 for Gunter Road Improvements, Planning and Construction (Rapides)
Veto No. 7:
Delete Lines 22-28 on Page 55 of 127:
Authorizes $22,300,000 for Highway 11 - Opportunity Zone Sewer & Water Project,
Planning and Construction (St. Tammany)
Veto No. 8:
Delete Line 28 on Page 60 of 127:
Authorizes $100,000 Payable from State General Fund (Direct) for Curtis Park Sewer
Rehabilitation, Planning and Construction (Ball)
Veto No. 9:
Delete Lines 34-39 on Page 66 of 127:
Authorizes $350,000 for Erath Water System Rehabilitation, Planning and Construction
Veto No. 10:
Delete Lines 1-6 on Page 83 of 127:
Authorizes $705,000 for Town Hall and Civic Center, Planning and Construction (Ringgold)
Veto No. 11:
Delete Lines 16-24 on Page 98 of 127:
Authorizes $11,950,000 for Addition of Medical/Surgical and Psychiatric Inpatient Rooms
at 600 North Lewis Street in New Iberia, Planning, Construction and Equipment (Hospital
Service District No. 1 Iberia Parish)
Enclosed is a copy of the signed version of House Bill 2. I have sent the original to the
Secretary of State."