ACT 158 (SB 9) 2021 Regular Session Price
Prior law (Ch.C. Art. 603) provided definitions of "abuse".
New law revises prior law to incorporate into the definition of "abuse" allegations of grounds
that a child is in need of care.
Prior law (Ch.C. Art. 680) provided for the evidence a court shall consider at a child in need
of care disposition hearing.
New law retains prior law and additionally provides for the due process rights of the parties
at a child in need of care disposition hearing.
Prior law (Ch.C. Arts. 1022 and 1226) required service on nonresident parents to be made
by registered mail.
New law retains prior law and also authorizes service on nonresident parents to be made by
certified mail.
Prior law (R.S. 13:1139 and 1587.1(C), R.S. 15:1082, 1098.1(A), and 1099.1, R.S.
24:175(B) and 176(B), R.S. 44:3(A)(6), and R.S. 46:1251(B), 1901(B), 2411, and 2417(C))
refers to the Code of Juvenile Procedure.
New law updates outdated references to the Code of Juvenile Procedure with correct
references to the Children's Code and makes other technical corrections.
Prior law (Ch.C. Art. 606) set forth the grounds for a child to be determined to be in need
of care.
New law repeals certain grounds under prior law as duplicative of the definition of "abuse"
and directs the law institute to print an explanatory Comment.
Effective August 1, 2021.
(Amends Ch.C. Arts. 603(2)(e), 680, 1022, and 1226, R.S. 13:1139 and 1587.1(C), R.S.
15:1082, 1098.1(A), and 1099.1, R.S. 24:175(B) and 176(B), R.S. 44:3(A)(6), and R.S.
46:1251(B), 1901(B), 2411, and 2417(C); repeals Ch.C. Art. 606(A)(6)-(8))

Statutes affected:
SB9 Original: 13:1(C), 15:1(A), 24:175(B), 24:176(B), 44:3(A)(6), 46:1251(B), 46:1901(B), 46:2417(C)
SB9 Engrossed: 13:1(C), 15:1(A), 24:175(B), 24:176(B), 44:3(A)(6), 46:1251(B), 46:1901(B), 46:2417(C)
SB9 Reengrossed: 13:1(C), 15:1(A), 24:175(B), 24:176(B), 44:3(A)(6), 46:1251(B), 46:1901(B), 46:2417(C)
SB9 Enrolled: 13:1(C), 15:1(A), 24:175(B), 24:176(B), 44:3(A)(6), 46:1251(B), 46:1901(B), 46:2417(C)
SB9 Act : 13:1(C), 15:1(A), 24:175(B), 24:176(B), 44:3(A)(6), 46:1251(B), 46:1901(B), 46:2417(C)