ACT 49 (HB 96) 2020 Second Extraordinary Session Freeman
Existing law prohibits any employee of a public school system from providing a student's
personally identifiable information to any person or public or private entity. Provides
exceptions to this prohibition and authorizes sharing student information under certain
circumstances. New law requires each public or nonpublic school or other entity that
participates in a meal program through which students are eligible for the pandemic
electronic benefits transfer (known as P-EBT) program to share student information with the
Dept. of Children and Family Services for the purpose of facilitating program administration,
including but not limited to the automatic issuance of benefits to eligible families. Provides
that such information shall be limited to the first name, last name, address, and date of birth
of each student eligible for free or reduced price meals at school. Excepts any student whose
parent has chosen not to share information pursuant to the policy of the governing authority
of the school or other entity.
Effective upon signature of governor (Nov. 5, 2020); Repeal of proposed law effective June
10, 2021.
(Adds R.S. 17:3914(M); Repeals R.S. 17:3914(M))

Statutes affected:
HB96 Enrolled: 17:3914(M)
HB96 Act : 17:3914(M)
Conference Committee Report, #712, House Adopted, Senate Proposed: 17:3914(M)