SCR 28 2020 First Extraordinary Session Jackson
Requests the Dept. of Insurance to do all of the following:
(1) Study and report to the legislature on approaches taken by other southern states to
reduce auto insurance premiums.
(2) Advise the legislature as to the statistics related to insurance fraud compiled by the
Louisiana Automobile Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority.
(3) Advise and report on any steps taken and any progress made by the department to
increase the number of automobile insurers offering auto insurance policies in
Creates the Task Force on Affordable Automobile Insurance to study the availability of
affordable automobile insurance and to provide a forum for the Dept. of Insurance to present
its findings to the legislature and to the public. Requires report, by December 15, 2021, to
the Senate Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and International Affairs and the
House Committee on Commerce.
Provides that the task force will terminate on December 31, 2021.