The digest printed below was prepared by House Legislative Services. It constitutes no part of the
legislative instrument. The keyword, one-liner, abstract, and digest do not constitute part of the law
or proof or indicia of legislative intent. [R.S. 1:13(B) and 24:177(E)]
HCR 18 Reengrossed 2020 First Extraordinary Session Seabaugh
Suspends R.S. 32:295.1(E) which provides that the failure to wear a safety belt in violation of
present law shall not be admitted to mitigate damages in any action to recover damages arising out
of the ownership, common maintenance, or operation of a motor vehicle, and the failure to wear a
safety belt in violation of present law shall not be considered evidence of comparative negligence.
Effective on Aug. 1, 2020, if House Bill No. 57 of this 2020 First E.S. is not enacted or is vetoed and
fails to become law.
(Suspends R.S. 32:295.1(E))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The House Floor Amendments to the engrossed bill:
1. Add that this Resolution is effective on Aug. 1, 2020, only if the Act which originated
as House Bill No. 57 of the 2020 First E.S. is not enacted or is vetoed and fails to become