HCR 93 2020 Regular Session Crews
GOVERNOR: Directs the governor to ensure that individual liberty and rights are
protected as the state administers contact tracing
Requests the governor to ensure that the liberty and individual rights of La. citizens are
protected as the state administers the public health function known as contact tracing.
Requests the governor not to authorize or otherwise impose any penalty for refusal by a
person to participate in contact tracing.
Requests the governor to prohibit all of the following actions except in instances when the
person subject to the action specifically consents to it:
(1) Tracking of any person's movements through mobile phone geolocation or any other
means, electronic or otherwise, in contact tracing.
(2) Any data mining that would facilitate the tracking of a person's movements.
(3) The collection of personal identifying information through contact tracing.
Requests the governor to give assurance that contact tracing will not entail the compulsory
separation of family members or the prohibition of willing association among individuals.
Requests the governor not to authorize or otherwise impose any mandate that any individual
be tested for the novel coronavirus or antibodies to the virus.
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The House Floor Amendments to the engrossed bill:
1. Add exception for consented actions.
Summary of Amendments Adopted by Senate
Committee Amendments Proposed by Senate Committee on Judiciary B to the
reengrossed bill
1. Changes "direct" to "urge and request".
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Prepared by Alan Miller.