Summary of Original VersionAmend KRS 18A.115 to exclude attorneys in the Department of Public Advocacy from classified service; amend KRS 31.010 to delete references to legal representation for persons with disabilities and make technical corrections; create a new section of KRS Chapter 31 to establish an independent division of the Department of Public Advocacy, the Division of Protection and Advocacy, to provide the protection of rights for persons with disabilities; amend KRS 31.015 to add a member to the Public Advocacy Commission; provide that the Public Advocacy Commission shall appoint the public advocate; amend KRS 31.020 to modify the qualifications to be the public advocate; provide that the compensation of attorneys in the Department of Public Advocacy shall be set by the public advocate; amend KRS 31.030 to require the Department of Public Advocacy to maintain an office in each judicial circuit; delete references to local plans and persons with disabilities; amend KRS 31.120 to delete the determination of indigency form; amend KRS 31.211 to delete references to the local advocacy funds; amend KRS 31.215 to prohibit any attorney working for the Department for Public Advocacy or an attorney working in a public advocacy plan from accepting any compensation except unsolicited gifts of de minimis value; amend to a Class A misdemeanor; amend KRS 31.225 to delete references to district plans; repeal KRS 31.050, 31.060, 31.065, 31.071, and 31.085; Section 7 of this Act takes effect July 1, 2024; Section 12 of this Act takes effect July 1, 2026.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 18A.115, 31.010, 31.015, 31.020, 31.030, 31.120, 31.211, 31.215, 31.235