Summary of Original Version

Amend KRS 15A.020 to reorganize the Department of Juvenile Justice; amend KRS 610.190 to allow law relating to bail to apply to children detained prior to adjudication; amend KRS 610.200 to restrict issuance of a warrant or custody order to public offense cases; amend KRS 610.265 to limit detention pending a detention hearing, or after a detention hearing, to children alleged to have committed a public offense that would be a felony or Class A misdemeanor if committed by an adult; amend KRS 610.266 to prohibit detention of a child alleged to have committed a status offense or a public offense that would be a Class B misdemeanor if committed by an adult; amend KRS 630.010 to prohibit detention of status offenders; amend KRS 630.030 to prohibit taking a status offender into custody; amend KRS 630.040 to limit detention prior to a detention hearing; amend KRS 630.070 to prohibit detention of a status offender for violation of a valid court order; amend KRS 630.080 to allow detention of a status offender for transfer under the interstate compact; amend KRS 630.100 to prohibit detention of status offenders; amend KRS 635.055 to prohibit detention for contempt of a child who is a status offender or who is alleged to have committed an offense that would be a Class B misdemeanor if committed by an adult; amend KRS 635.060 to limit use of detention at disposition; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 15A.020, 610.190, 610.200, 610.265, 610.266, 630.010, 630.030, 630.040, 630.070, 630.080, 630.100, 635.055, 635.060, 630.120