Summary of Original Version

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 341 to set waiver of overpayment criteria, allocation of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act money, waiver application deadlines, require program integrity provisions, and make an appropriation by allocating CARES money to UI trust fund.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions except delete definition of "department" and add definition of "office;" extend time period for requests for waivers to 30 days, delete provisions regarding use of CARES Act funds; require the Office of Unemployment Insurance to provide to the Attorney General any records requested to investigate fraud; make technical changes; APPROPRIATIONS.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 1 -- A. Southworth

Summary Amend printed draft of SB/SCS 1 to include extended response and apeal time to referee determinations to 30 days from 15 and to extend the time before a commission decision becomes final from 20 to 35 days.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 2 -- D. Givens

Summary Amend printed draft of SB/SCS 1 to clarify standards for waiver of repayment; insert an omitted ".

Statutes affected:
Acts Chapter 16: 341.420, 341.440
Current: 341.420, 341.440