Summary of Original Version

Amend KRS 164.092 to revise the definition of "formula base amount"; establish a definition of "funding floor" for purposes of priority funding for postsecondary institutions; add a hold-harmless provision for fiscal year 2021-2022 and thereafter; add a stop-loss provision of 0% for fiscal year 2021-2022 and thereafter; establish how amounts distributed from the performance fund shall be treated in the biennial budget process.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions; add emergency clause. EMERGENCY.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Committee Amendment 1 -- D. Givens

Summary Make title amendment.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions except specify that the funding floor shall be based on the institution's general fund appropriation as included in the 2020 budget bill; change the date for when the council shall certify amounts to the state budget director to May 1.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 164.092
Acts Chapter 39: 164.092
Senate Committee Substitute 1: 164.092
House Committee Substitute 1: 164.092
Current: 164.092