A RESOLUTION recognizing and thanking the Kansas Mission of Mercy
volunteers for their continued generosity in providing free dental care
to citizens of Kansas.
WHEREAS, Kansas dentists are caring and compassionate people; and
WHEREAS, The Kansas Mission of Mercy free dental clinic was
organized by the Kansas Dental Association (KDA) through the Kansas
Dental Charitable Foundation (KDCF) with funds from dentists, private
foundations and other private sources; and
WHEREAS, The KDCF has held 23 annual Kansas Mission of Mercy
free dental clinic events without interruption since its creation in 2002; and
WHEREAS, More than 11,500 volunteers, including 1,000 dentists,
have provided over $23 million in dental care to 32,942 patients in
communities throughout Kansas since the first Kansas Mission of Mercy
free dental clinic was held in Garden City in February 2003; and
WHEREAS, The most recent Kansas Mission of Mercy free dental
clinic was held at Tony's Pizza Event Center in Salina, Kansas, on January
12 and 13, 2024, with a total of 503 volunteers, including 85 dentists, 43
dental hygienists and 93 dental assistants, and providing $666,439 in
dental care to 671 patients; and
WHEREAS, The Kansas Mission of Mercy free dental clinic will
continue to provide care around Kansas in the future; and
WHEREAS, The strength, success, vitality and health of Kansas
citizens and its communities depend in great measure upon volunteerism
and programs motivated by concern and devotion such as the Kansas
Mission of Mercy free dental clinic: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas:
That we recognize the Kansas Mission of Mercy free dental clinic dentists,
dental hygienists, dental assistants and all volunteers; and
Be it further resolved: That we thank all the Kansas Mission of Mercy
volunteers for their continued generosity in providing free dental care to
the citizens of Kansas.
House Resolution No. 6038 was sponsored by Representative Steven
I hereby certify that the above RESOLUTION originated in the HOUSE, and
was adopted by that body

Speaker of the House.

Chief Clerk of the House.