As Amended by Senate Committee of the Whole

SB 496, as amended, would establish the Parents’ Bill of
The bill would state that all parents have a right to direct
the upbringing, education, care, and mental health of their
child. The bill would also enumerate 12 rights reserved by the
State for parents with regard to their child. Such enumerated
rights would include, but not be limited to, the right to direct
the education and care of the parent’s child and the right to
direct the upbringing and moral or religious training of the
parent’s child.
The bill would require the boards of education of each
school district to develop and adopt policies to guarantee
parents’ rights. Such policies would include a parent’s ability
● Be informed of and inspect any materials,
activities, curriculum, lessons, syllabi, surveys,
tests, questionnaires, examinations, books,
magazines, handouts, professional development
and training materials, and other materials
provided to the parent’s child;
● Inspect and review all educational and health
records of the parent’s child maintained by the
school district;

*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
● Object to any learning material or activity based
upon harm to the child or impairment of the
parent’s firmly held beliefs, values, or principles
and withdraw the parent’s child from said activity;
● Challenge the material or educational benefit of
any book, magazine, or other material available to
students in the school library, the successful result
of which would lead to the removal of the item from
the school.
The bill was introduced by the Senate Committee on
Education at the request of Senator Erickson.

Senate Committee on Education
In the Senate Committee hearing, proponent testimony
was provided by representatives of Americans for Prosperity
– Kansas and Kansas Family Voice. The proponents
generally stated the bill would codify and protect parental
rights established by court rulings and federal statutes.
Written-only proponent testimony was provided by a
representative of the Kansas Policy Institute.
Neutral testimony was provided by a representative of
the Kansas PTA. The representative stated the organization
was neutral because, while it supports parent engagement in
education, it has questions and concerns regarding some
aspects of the legislation.
Written-only neutral testimony was provided by a
representative of the Kansas Association of School Boards.

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Opponent testimony was provided by representatives of
Game On for Kansas Schools, Immunize Kansas Coalition,
Kansas Action for Children, Kansas Interfaith Action, Kansas
Natural Education Association, Mainstream Coalition, and
private citizens. The opponents generally stated the bill is
unnecessary, as school districts and teachers are already
doing much of what is required in the bill.
Written-only opponent testimony was provided by
representatives of the Kansas City Kansas Public Schools,
Kansas School Superintendents’ Association, League of
Women Voters of Kansas, State Board of Education, and
United School Administrators of Kansas and private citizens.

Senate Committee of the Whole
The Senate Committee of the Whole amended the bill
by making the following changes:
● Change a parent’s right to be informed of and
inspect curriculum, instructional materials, and any
other materials to only be a right to inspect said
materials; and
● Change a parent’s right to make healthcare and
medical decisions for their child including regarding
vaccinations and immunizations to state a parent
has a right to be able to make healthcare and
medical decisions for their child.
Fiscal Impact
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget, the State Department of Education states that
any fiscal effects from the bill would be negligible.
Education, parent’s bill of rights, school districts, schools

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