As Recommended by Senate Committee on
Ways and Means

SB 210 would delay the Kansas Public Employees
Retirement System (KPERS) membership eligibility by two
years for employees employed in direct support positions in
Community Developmental Disability Organizations. Under
the bill, an employee would become a member of KPERS on
the first day of the payroll period coinciding with or following
completion of a two-year training period.

The bill was introduced by the Senate Committee on
Ways and Means.
In the Senate Committee hearing, the Executive Director
of KPERS provided neutral testimony on the bill, explaining
employees affected by the bill would be eligible to purchase
service for the two-year training period after becoming a
member. Representatives from Big Lakes Development
Center, Inc., and Starkey, Inc., provided proponent testimony,
stating, due to the high turnover and short-term employment
length of employees, this bill would allow the organizations to
save time in processing paperwork and costs that could be
redirected to making wages and benefits more competitive.
Written-only proponent testimony was provided by
Arrowhead West, Inc.; Developmental Services of Northwest
*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
Kansas, Inc.; Interhab; Multi Community Diversified Services;
and Twin Valley Developmental Services, Inc.
No opponent testimony was provided.
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget, KPERS estimates the impact on future employer
contribution rates to the KPERS-Local Group would be
negligible. KPERS indicates the bill would require the agency
to modify its information technology system and change
publications and education materials. However, the costs
associated with these changes can be absorbed within
existing resources. Any fiscal effect associated with
enactment of the bill is not reflected in The FY 2020
Governor’s Budget Report.

2- 210

Statutes affected:
As introduced: 74-4911