Establishes the therapeutic psilocybin research fund, administered by the division of mental health and addiction, to provide financial assistance to research institutions in Indiana to study the use of psilocybin to treat mental health and other medical conditions. Sets forth clinical study requirements. Requires a research institution that receives a grant to conduct a clinical study to prepare and submit a report to the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services, the Indiana department of health, and the division of mental health and addiction. Allows, rather than requires, the Indiana department of health to grant an extension to the hospital for the filing of certain reports. Removes the requirement that a clinical preceptor must have at least 18 months of experience as a licensed nurse. Allows the majority of nursing program faculty to be part-time employees of an approved postsecondary educational institution or a hospital that conducts the nursing program. Allows the holder of a student permit issued by the respiratory care committee to perform certain respiratory care procedures on certain child patients. Provides that an individual who previously was employed to provide supervised surgical assistance in a health care facility may provide surgical assistance in a health care facility. Requires a contract with a third party administrator, pharmacy benefit manager, or prepaid health care delivery plan to provide that the plan sponsor has ownership of the claims data. Allows a contract holder to request an audit of a pharmacy benefit manager one time per calendar year and not earlier than six months after a previously requested audit. Allows a plan sponsor that contracts with a third party administrator, the office of the secretary of family and social services that contracts with a managed care organization to provide services to a Medicaid recipient, or the state personnel department that contracts with a prepaid health care delivery plan to provide group health coverage for state employees to request an audit one time in a calendar year and not earlier than six months after a previously requested audit. Sets forth requirements concerning an audit. Voids a provision in the Indiana Administrative Code relating to physician referrals for acupuncture services.
Statutes affected: Introduced House Bill (H): 25-23-1-11, 25-23-1-12, 25-23-1-20.3, 25-23-1-20.4
House Bill (H): 25-23-1-11, 25-23-1-12, 25-23-1-20.3, 25-23-1-20.4
House Bill (S): 25-23-1-20.3, 25-23-1-20.4
Enrolled House Bill (H): 12-7-2-91, 25-23-1-20.3, 25-23-1-20.4, 27-1-24.5-25