Introduced Version
Introduced by: Prescott, Abbott, Aylesworth, Bartlett,
Behning, Brown T, Carbaugh, Clere, Cook, Davisson,
Goodrich, Heine, Hostettler, Jacob, Jeter, Jordan, Judy, King,
Lauer, Ledbetter, Lehe, Lehman, Lindauer, Lucas, Lyness,
McNamara, Morris, Morrison, Negele, Nisly, Olthoff, Payne,
Slager, Smaltz, Snow, Soliday, Teshka, Thompson, Torr, Wesco,
1 A HOUSE RESOLUTION recognizing Religious Freedom
2 Day.
3 Whereas, The United States' democracy is rooted in the
4 fundamental truth that all people are created equal, endowed
5 by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, including life,
6 liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;
7 Whereas, The freedom of conscience was highly valued by
8 individuals seeking religious freedom who settled in the
9 American colonies and by the founders of the United States;
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1 Whereas, The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was
2 enacted in 1786 and was the forerunner to the Free Exercise
3 Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United
4 States;
5 Whereas, The First Amendment to the Constitution of the
6 United States protects the right of individuals to freely express
7 and peacefully act on their religious beliefs;
8 Whereas, The First Amendment to the Constitution of the
9 United States also protects individuals from coercion to profess
10 or act on a religious belief to which they do not adhere;
11 Whereas, Every president of the United States since 1993 has
12 issued a proclamation to celebrate Religious Freedom Day and
13 recognized the importance of religious liberty as a core tenant
14 of the United States and to any nation's lasting stability and
15 well-being;
16 Whereas, In section 2(a)(1) of the International Religious
17 Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6401(a)(1)), the United States
18 Congress stated, "The right to freedom of religion undergirds
19 the very origin and existence of the United States";
20 Whereas, For countless people of the United States, faith is
21 an integral part of every aspect of daily life and is not limited
22 to their homes, houses of worship, or doctrinal creeds; and
23 Whereas, The role of religion in United States society and
24 public life has a long and robust tradition. Therefore:
25 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the
26 General Assembly of the State of Indiana:
27 SECTION 1. That the Indiana House of Representatives
28 honors the 235th anniversary of the Virginia Statute for
29 Religious Freedom.
30 SECTION 2. That the Indiana House of Representatives
31 affirms that:
32 (a) For individuals of any faith and individuals of no faith,
33 religious freedom includes the right of an individual to live,
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1 work, associate, and worship in accordance with the beliefs of
2 the individual.
3 (b) All Hoosiers can be unified in supporting religious
4 freedom, regardless of differing individual beliefs, because
5 religious freedom is a fundamental human right.
6 (c) The American people will remain forever unshackled in
7 matters of faith.
8 SECTION 3. That the Principal Clerk of the House of
9 Representatives transmit copies of the resolution to the office
10 of State Representative J.D. Prescott for distribution.
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